Published Articles (Selected)
95. Subal Danta, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2024). Do Green Patent and Renewable Energy Consumption Matter for Sustainable Green Growth in the African Region? Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy, 43 (4), 370-388, Wiley.
94. Badri Narayan Rath, Aruna Kumar Dash, and Alok Kumar Mishra., (2024). The linkage between FDI and energy use in the case of emerging market economies. Environment, Development and Sustainability,1-19, Springer.
93. Subal Danta, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2024). Do institutional quality and human capital matter for innovation in case of Asian region? Innovation and Green Development, 3 (3), 100141, Elsevier.
92. Kumar Shaurav, Pradipta Kumar Sahoo, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2024). A Convergence Analysis of Road Accidents Across Indian States. The Indian Economic Journal , DOI: 00194662241260813, Sage.
91. Vaseem Akram, Badri Narayan Rath, and Pradipta Kumar Sahoo., (2024). Club convergence in per capita carbon dioxide emissions across Indian states. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26 (8), 19907-19934, Springer.
90. Shambhavi Patnaik, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2024). Is There Any Link Between FDI and Profitability in the Indian Manufacturing Sector? Vision, 09722629241255728, Sage.
89. Kapil Gumte, Vaseem Akram, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2024). Handling bioenergy sector uncertainties with carbon credit revenue in developing nation’s economy: an Indian case study. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-33, Springer.
88. Kumar Shaurav, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2024). The linkage between ICT development and corruption in the case of emerging market economies. Journal of the Knowledge Economy,15 (2), 6604-6616, Springer.
87. Bhushan Praveen Jangam, Badri Narayan Rath, and Masagus M. Ridhwan., (2024). Does Global Value Chain Integration Enhance Export Competitiveness? Evidence from Indonesia’s Industry-Level Analysis. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 60, (7),1578-1598, Taylor & Francis.
86. Vaseem Akram, Gulnawaz Usmani, Badri Narayan Rath, and Bushra Praveen., (2024). Infant Mortality Rate Convergence across Indian States: Relative Club Convergence Evidence. The Indian Economic Journal, 00194662241247134, Sage.
85. Chinmaya Behera, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2024). The interconnectedness between crude oil prices and stock returns in G20 countries. Resources Policy 91,104950, Elsevier.
84. Chinmaya Behera, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2024). Trade Openness, COVID-19 Shock, Foreign Direct Investment, Inflation, and Output Volatility in Six ASEAN Member States. ERIA Discussion Paper Series, No. 503.
83. Kumar Shaurav, Abdhut Deheri, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2024). Understanding corruption in India: determinants, nonlinear dynamics and policy implications. International Journal of Emerging Markets, (DOI), Emerald.
82. Bhushan Praveen Jangam, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2024). Global Value Chain Integration and Business Cycle Synchronisation: Evidence from Selected ASEAN Countries." ERIA Discussion Paper Series, No. 500. (2024).
81. Chinmaya Behera, Badri Narayan Rath, and Pramod Kumar Mishra., (2024). The impact of monetary and fiscal stimulus on stock returns during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Asian Economics, 90,101680, Elsevier.
80. Badri Narayan Rath, and Poulomi Bhattacharya., (2023). Patterns of Innovation and Firms’ Efficiency in Case of Indian Manufacturing Sector." Global Business Review, 09721509231195411, Sage.
79. Kumar Shaurav, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2023). Measurement and determinants of corruption across Indian states." Journal of Economic Studies 50 (7), 1526-1548, Emerald.
78. Mohd Arshad Ansari, Muhammed Ashiq Villanthenkodath, Vaseem Akram, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2023). The nexus between ecological footprint, economic growth, and energy poverty in sub-Saharan Africa: a technological threshold approach. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(8), 7823-7850, Springer.
77. Vaseem Akram, Badri Narayan Rath, and Bibhudutta Panda., (2023). Convergence analysis of social sector expenditure and its components: Evidence from the Indian states. Applied Economics 55 (33), 3850-3862, Taylor & Francis.
76. Chinmaya Behera, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2023). The interconnectedness between COVID-19 uncertainty and stock market returns in selected ASEAN countries. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 59 (2), 515-527, Taylor & Francis.
75. Harendra Behera, Iman Gunadi, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2023). COVID-19 uncertainty, financial markets and monetary policy effects in case of two emerging Asian countries." Economic Analysis and Policy, 78,173-189, Elsevier.
74. Badri Narayan Rath, Bibhudutta Panda, and Vaseem Akram., (2023). Convergence and determinants of ICT development in case of emerging market economies. Telecommunications Policy, 47 (2), 102464, Elsevier.
73. Kumar Shaurav, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2023). Market concentration, diversification and firm’s performance in the case of Indian chemical industry. Science, Technology and Society, 28(1), 128-144, Sage.
72. Chinmaya Behera, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2022). The connectedness between Twitter uncertainty index and stock return volatility in the G7 countries." Applied Economics Letters, 29,(20), 1876-1879, Taylor & Francis.
71. Paresh Kumar Narayan, Badri Narayan Rath, and Ferry Syarifuddin., (2022). Understanding the role of trade agreements in Indonesia’s FDI. Journal of Asian Economics 82,101532, Elsevier.
70. Vaseem Akram, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2022). Public health expenditure convergence across Indian states: New evidence from LM and RALS-LM tests. The Singapore Economic Review ,1-24, World Scientific.
69. Bhushan Praveen Jangam, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2022). Global value chain linkages and domestic value-added content: Empirical evidence. Studies in Economics and Finance, 39 (4), 593-616. Taylor & Francis.
68. Vaseem Akram and Badri Narayan Rath., (2022). Does government revenue converge across Indian states. Applied Economics Letters, 29(10), 915-919, Taylor & Francis.
67. Pradipta Kumar Sahoo., Badri Narayan Rath., and Viet Le., (2022). Nexus between export, productivity and competitiveness in the Indian manufacturing sector. Journal of Asian Economics, 79, 101454, Elsevier.
66. Badri Narayan Rath and Poulomi Bhattacharya., (2022). Does innovation outcome influence performance of Indian manufacturing firms? Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Special Issue 2022, 85-102, Bank Indonesia Institute.
65. Vaseem Akram and Badri Narayan Rath., (2021). Understanding the evolution of fiscal performance of Indian states. Growth and Change, 52(4), 2172-2993, Wiley.
64. Pradipta Kumar Sahoo., Viet Le, Badri Narayan Rath., (2021). The Determinants of Firm Competitiveness: Evidence from the Indian Manufacturing Sector. International Journal of the Economics of Business, (Published online with DOI), Taylor & Francis.
63. Pradipta Kumar Sahoo., Badri Narayan Rath., and Viet Le., (2021). Assessing the competitiveness of firms in the Indian manufacturing sector: An inter industry analysis. Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 24(4), 541-558, Bank Indonesia Institute.
62. Bhushan Praveen Jangam and Badri Narayan Rath., (2021). Do global value chains enhance or slog economic growth? Applied Economics, 53(36): 4148-4165, Taylor & Francis.
61. Badri Narayan Rath and Vaseem Akram., (2021). Popularity of Unit Root Tests: A Review. Asian Economics Letters, 2(4), APAEA.
60. Chinmaya Behera and Badri Narayan Rath., (2021)., The COVID-19 pandemic and Indian pharmaceutical companies: An event study analysis, Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 24: 1-14, Bank Indonesia Institute.
59. Susan Sharma, Badri Narayan Rath, Neluka Devpura., (2021). Pandemic and their impact on global economic and financial systems, MethodsX, 8, 101274, Elsevier.
58. Debashis Acharya, Badri Narayan Rath and Tapas Kumar Parida., (2021) Convergence in Monthly Per Capita Expenditure and the Rural–Urban Dichotomy: Evidence from Major Indian States. In: Batabyal A.A., Higano Y., Nijkamp P. (eds) Rural–Urban Dichotomies and Spatial Development in Asia. New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, Vol. 48. Springer.
57. Vaseem Akram, Badri Narayan Rath and Pradipta Kumar Sahoo., (2021). Do COVID-19 cases follow a similar transition path? Evidence from Indian states, MethodsX, 8, Elsevier.
56. Bhushan Praveen Jangam and Badri Narayan Rath., (2021). Does global value chain participation enhance domestic value-added in exports? Evidence from emerging market economies. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(2), 1681-1694, Wiley.
55. Vaseem Akram and Badri Narayan Rath (2021). Fiscal sustainability in India: evidence from Markov Switching and Threshold Regression. Studies in Economics and Finance, 38(2),227-245, Emerald.
54. Badri Narayan Rath and Vaseem Akram., (2021). Does COVID-19 outbreak cause spot electricity price discovery in India? Journal of Public Affairs, 21(4): e2439, Wiley.
53. Badri Narayan Rath and Masagus M. Ridhwan., (2020). The nexus between employment, productivity and trade openness: Evidence from BRICS and Indonesia, Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 23(4), 463-484, Bank Indonesia Institute.
52. Alok Kumar Mishra, Badri Narayan Rath, and Aruna Kumar Dash., (2020). Does the Indian financial market nosedive because of COVID-19 outbreak, in comparison to after demonetisation and the GST?, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 56(10):2162-2180, Taylor & Francis.
51. Bhushan Praveen Jangam and Badri Narayan Rath., (2020). Cross-country convergence in global value chains: Evidence from club convergence analysis, International Economics, 163:134-146, Elsevier.
50. Badri Narayan Rath and Bhushan Praveen Jangam., (2020). Is there any linkage between sectoral capital-labour ratios, total factor productivity, and wages?, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 56(15): 3662-3677, Taylor & Francis.
49. Vaseem Akram, Bhushan Praveen Jangam, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2020). Examining the linkage between human capital and energy consumption: cross-country evidence, OPEC Energy Review, 44(1):3-26, Wiley.
48. Vaseem Akram, Badri Narayan Rath, and Pradipta Kumar Sahoo., (2020). Stochastic conditional convergence in per capita energy consumption in India, Economic Analysis and Policy, 65: 224-240, Elsevier.
47. Poulomi Bhattacharya and Badri Narayan Rath., (2020). Innovation and firm-level labour productivity: A comparison of Chinese and Indian manufacturing based on enterprise surveys, Science, Technology & Society, 25(3): 465-481, Sage.
46. Bhushan Praveen Jangam and Badri Narayan Rath., (2020). Does productivity drive the real exchange rate movements? A re-examination of Balassa Samuelson hypothesis, Journal of Economic Studies, 47(5): 1093-1118, Emerald.
45. Vaseem Akram and Badri Narayan Rath., (2020). What do we know about fiscal sustainability across Indian states? Economic Modelling, 87:307-321, Elsevier.
44. Vaseem Akram, Pradipta Kumar Sahoo, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2020). A sector-level output club convergence in case of global economy, Journal of Economic Studies, 47(4):747-767, Emerald.
43. Vaseem Akram and Badri Narayan Rath., (2020). Optimum government size and economic growth in case of Indian states: Evidence from panel threshold model, Economic Modelling, 88:151-162, Elsevier.
42. Badri Narayan Rath and Danny Hermawan., (2019). Does information and communication technologies foster economic growth in Indonesia? Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 22(1): 103-122, Bank Indonesia Institute.
41. Seema Narayan, Thai-Ha Le, Badri Narayan Rath, and Nadia Doytch., (2019). Petroleum consumption and economic growth relationship: evidence from the Indian state, Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Journal, 26 (1): 21-65. United Nations-ESCAP.
40. Badri Narayan Rath and Vaseem Akram., (2019). A reassessment of total factor productivity convergence:Evidence from cross-country analysis, Economic Modelling, 82:87-98, Elsevier.
39. Vaseem Akram and Badri Narayan Rath., (2019). Is there any evidence of tax-and-spend, spend-and-tax, or fiscal synchronization from panel of Indian state? Applied Economics Letters, 26 (18): 1544-1547, Routledge.
38. Vaseem Akram, and Badri Narayan Rath., (2019). Does debt convergence hold in case of India? Journal of Economic Studies, 46(4):858-871, Emerald.
37. Badri Narayan Rath., (2019). Does total factor productivity converge among ASEAN countries? Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Special Issue, January 2019: 477-494, Bank Indonesia Institute.
36. Badri Narayan Rath, Vaseem Akram, Debi Prasad Bal, Mantu Kumar Mahalik., (2019). Does fossil fuel and renewable energy consumption affect total factor productivity growth? Evidence from cross-country data with policy insights, Energy Policy, 127:186-199, Elsevier.
35. Pradipta Kumar Sahoo, D Tripati Rao, Badri Narayan Rath., (2019). Does financial integration reduce output volatility? new evidence from cross country data, Economic Papers, 38(1):41-55, Wiley.
34. Seenaiah K, Badri Narayan Rath., (2019). Does innovation enhance productivity in selected Indian manufacturing firms, Singapore Economic Review, 64(5):1225-1250, World Scientific.
33. Vaseem Akram, Bhushan Praveen Jangam, Badri Narayan Rath., (2019). Does human capital matter for reduction in energy consumption in India? International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 13(2):359-376, Emerald.
32. Seenaiah K, Badri Narayan Rath., (2018). Does innovation matter for total factor productivity growth in India? Evidence from ARDL bound testing approach, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 13(5):1311-1329, Emerald.
31. Seenaiah K, Badri Narayan Rath., (2018). Determinants of innovation in case of Indian manufacturing: role of R&D and export, Science, Technology & Society, 23(1):65-84, Sage.
30. Girish, G.P, Badri Narayan Rath, Vaseem Akram., (2018). Spot electricity price discovery in Indian electricity market, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82: 73-79, Elsevier.
29. Badri Narayan Rath., (2018). Productivity growth and efficiency change: comparing manufacturing- and service-based firms in India, Economic Modelling, 70: 447-457, Elsevier.
28. Debi Prasad Bal, Badri Narayan Rath., (2018). Do macroeconomics channels mater for examining relationship between public debt and economic growth in India? Journal of Quantitative Economics, 16(1): 121-142, Springer.
27. Pradipta Kumar Sahoo, Badri Narayan Rath., (2018). Productivity growth, efficiency change and source of inefficiency: evidence from the Indian automobile industry, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 18(1): 59-74, Inderscience.
26. Vaseem Akram, Badri Narayan Rath., (2018). Exchange rate misalignment and total factor productivity growth in case of emerging market economies, International Economics and Economic Policy, 15(3): 547-564, Springer.
25. Seenaiah K, Badri Narayan Rath., (2017). Obstacles to innovation in selected Indian manufacturing firms, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 9(4):379-398, Inderscience.
24. Vaseem Akram, Badri Narayan Rath., (2017). Exchange rate misalignment and economic growth in India, Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 9(4):414-434, Emerald.
23. Vaseem Akram, Badri Narayan Rath., (2017). Export diversification and sources of growth in emerging market economies, Global Economy Journal, 17 (3), De Gruyter.
22. Malepati Jayashankar, Badri Narayan Rath., (2017). The dynamic linkage between exchange rate, stock price and interest rate in India, Studies in Economics and Finance, 34(3): 383-406, Emerald.
21. Badri Narayan Rath, Vaseem Akram., (2017). Export diversification and total factor productivity growth in case of South Asian region, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 19 (1): 196-210, Springer.
20. Badri Narayan Rath, Amrita Deb., (2017). Perception towards regular health check-ups: a case study from a selected village in Telangana state in India, Journal of Health Management, 19 (1): 180-191, Sage.
19. Sonali Mohapatra, Badri Narayan Rath., (2017). Exchange rate exposure and its determinants: evidence from Indian firms, The International Trade Journal, 31(2): 197-211, Routledge.
18. Badri Narayan Rath., (2016). Does the digital divide across countries lead to convergence? New international evidence, Economic Modelling, 58: 75-82, Elsevier.
17. Debi Prasad Bal, Badri Narayan Rath., (2016). Is Public debt a burden for India? Economic Papers, 35 (2): 184-201, Wiley.
16. Poulomi Bhattacharya, Badri Narayan Rath, Aruna Kumar Dash., (2016). Supply response of milk production: analysis and implications for BRIC countries, Applied Econometrics and International Development, 16 (1): 179-192, EAAES.
15. Paresh Kumar Narayan, Badri Narayan Rath, Prabheesh K.P., (2016). What is the value of corporate sponsorship in sports? Emerging Markets Review, 26:20-30, Elsevier.
14. Seenaiah K, Badri Narayan Rath., (2015). The impact of fiscal Deficit and productivity on current account deficit in India, Indian Economic Journal, 63(3):513-528, Sage.
13. Debi Prasad Bal, Badri Narayan Rath., (2015). Non-linear causality between crude oil price and exchange rate: a comparative study of China and India”, Energy Economics, 51:149-156, Elsevier.
12. Seenaiah K, Badri Narayan Rath, Amaresh Samantaraya., (2015). Determinants of bank profitability during post-reform periods: evidence from India, Global Business Review, Vol. 16 (5S), 82S-92S, Sage.
11. Sonali Mohapatra, Badri Narayan Rath., (2015). Do macroeconomic factors matter for stock prices in emerging countries? Evidence from panel cointegration and panel causality, International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 7 (2): 140-154, Inderscience.
10. Debi Prasad Bal, Badri Narayan Rath., (2014). Public debt and economic growth in India: a reassessment, Economic Analysis and Policy, 44 (3): 292 -300, Elsevier.
9. Badri Narayan Rath, Purna Chandra Parida., (2014). Did openness and human capital affect total factor productivity? Evidence from the South Asian Region, Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, 6 (2): 103 – 118, Sage.
8. Girish G.P,Vijayalakshmi S, Ajaya Kumar Panda, Badri Narayan Rath., (2014). Forecasting electricity prices in deregulated wholesale spot electricity market: a review, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 4(1): 32-42, EconJournals.
7. Badri Narayan Rath, Debi Prasad Bal., (2014). Do public investment and FDI crowd out or crowd in private domestic investment in India? Journal of Developing Areas, 48 (3): 269-284, Project Muse.
6. Seema Narayan, Badri Narayan Rath, Paresh Kumar Narayan., (2012). Evidence of Wagner's Law from Indian states, Economic Modelling, 29(5):1548-1557, Elsevier.
5. Badri Narayan Rath, Poulomi Bhattacharya., (2011). Productivity growth, efficiency change and technical progress: a study of registered manufacturing sector in Orissa, Indian Economic Journal, 59(3):18-37, Sage.
4. Mita Bhattacharya, Paresh Kumar Narayan, Stephan Popp, Badri Narayan Rath., (2011). The Productivity-wage and productivity-employment nexus: a panel data analysis of Indian manufacturing, Empirical Economics, 40 (2): 285-303, Springer.
3. Badri Narayan Rath, S. Madheswaran., (2010). Did productivity converge in manufacturing sector across Indian states? Regional and Sectoral Economics Studies, 10 (1):183-198, EAAES.
2. Madheswaran, S., Hailin Liao., Badri Narayan Rath., (2007). Productivity growth of Indian manufacturing sector: panel estimation of stochastic production frontier and technical inefficiency, Journal of Developing Areas, 40(2): 35-50, Project Muse.
1. Badri Narayan Rath., (2006). Labour productivity determinants in Indian manufacturing: a panel data analysis, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 49(1):113-119, Springer.