
Research Interests:

Broadly Geometry and Topology. In particular, I am working on problems in Contact and Symplectic Topology.

Publications and Preprints:

Research articles

Books/Reports/Chapters/General Articles:

  1. Survey article on “ Review of Symplectic and Contact Topology” to appear in Special edition of Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Joint with Mahuya Datta.

  2. A chapter titled “Homology” in the book “Topology and Condensed Matter Physics” to be published soon by Hindustan Book Agency.

  3. Review of the Mathematical Animation series “Dimensions” created by Jose Leys, Etienne Ghys and Alvarez, Published in At Right Angles, a publication of Azim Premji University, Bangalore. Vol. 2, No. 2, July 2013.


1. Talk On "Career Opportunities in Mathematics" can be found here