6th Grade

Welcome to Physical Education class. We will be exploring new and exciting ways to develop and maintain a physically fit and healthy lifestyle. The Physical Education units being covered will involve team sports, dual sports, individual sports, and team building. Health related units will also be integrated into the Physical Education curriculum. We will experience multiple fitness tests that will show the progress that each student will make throughout the year.

Goal #1: Every student to discover one activity that they enjoy and will participate in for a lifetime!

Goal #2: Every student will show progress in their muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance and strength throughout the year on their fitness tests.

Unit 3- Floor Hockey

*The students will explore the game of floor hockey by learning the history, vocabulary, safety and rules of the game. The students will also master the following skills in the game of floor hockey:

  • Stick Handling
  • Dribbling
  • Passing
  • Shooting


Winter Break Homework

60 minutes of movement everyday - you pick the activity!!

(shoveling, vacuuming, tag outside, sliding outside, snow football)

Directions to Retest

Students will be able to retest on Mondays from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. (The sign-up sheet is Room 228)

The prerequisite for a student to retest must have a note from a guardian stating what the student is retesting and that they will have a ride home.

The deadline for retesting is the end of Trimester 1.