About me
I'm an associate professor with the Department of Computer Science (DCC) of UFJF and a full professor with the Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGCC). I'm a CNPq Research Fellow level 2 (PQ 2). I received my M.Sc. and D.Sc degrees in Computer Science from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, in 2011 and 2016, respectively. I participated in several research projects funded by several agencies, such as RNP, FINEP, FAPERJ, TBE, FAPEMIG, PTI, FAPESP, and CNPq. In addition, I'm also a head researcher at the UFJF NetLab Laboratory and a member of the IEEE and SBC Societies. I have extensive computer science experience, emphasizing Computer Networks and Cybersecurity.
Last Activities (5 Years)
Research Cooperation
International: Università degli Studi di Messina (cooperation in research fields and events' organization, e.g., ISCC DistInSys since 2021, EAI MobiCase 2022, 3PGCIC, and others) - Antonino, Lorenzo e Massimo; Sheffield Hallam University (cooperation in IA and Network research fields with Prof. Márjory);
National: UFF (Profs. Célio V N de Albuquerque, Débora Muchaluat-Saade, Natalia Castro, Diogo Menezes, Yona Lopes, Gustavo Semaan) , UFPA (Profs. Denis Rosario e Eduardo Cerqueira), UFMG (Profa. Michele Nogueira), UFV (Prof. Nacif), UFRRJ (Profs. Bruno Dembogurski), UFJF (Prof. Alex Borges Vieira) and others.
Students (Formação de RH)
In progress
Undergraduate (11): Osiel do Couto; André Caetano; Daniel Varoto; Samira Barroso; Antônio Marcos; Victor Duque; Wiliam; Lucca Schroder.
MSc (5): Rodrigo Funchal; Luciano Rocha; Leonardo Azalim;
DSc (1): Airton Gomes Filho
Scientific Initiation (2): Antonio Marcos;
Professional Training - UFJF (0):
Undergraduate (10): Yan Mendes Ferreira (atualmente trabalhando como Founding Group Product Manager na Latitud); Lucas Rodrigues Frank (ingressou no Mestrado PPGCC/UFJF); Pedro Henrique Linhares Oliveira (atualmente trabalhando na SoftWrap); Osiel do Couto Rosa (atualmente cursando Computação na UFJF); Lucas Martins Figueiredo (ingressou no Mestrado PPGCC/UFJF); Rafael Dutra (atualmente no mercado de trabalho); João Victor Dutra (atualmente no mercado de trabalho); Rodrigo Torres (mercado e Mestrado PPGCC/UFJF); Victor Guerra (atualmente no mercado de trabalho); Pedro Cotta Badaró (atualmente no mercado de trabalho); Fernando Alfeld (atualmente no mercado de trabalho); Ana Beatriz (atualmente no mercado de trabalho); Vinicius Sampaio (atualmente no mercado de trabalho).
MSc (4): Airton Gomes Filho (ingressou no Doutorado PPGCC/UFV e trabalhando na RNP); Lucas Figueiredo; Lucas Frank (trabalhando na RNP); Frederico Sales;
DSc: -
Scientific Initiation (11): Maria Eduarda (FAPEMIG); Wiliam; Yvanilson, Ana Beatriz; Samira; João Victor Dutra Balboa; Rodrigo Torres Rego (2 projetos); Lucas Rodrigues Frank; Yan Mendes Ferreira
Professional Training - UFJF (17): Leonardo Azalim; Victor Loureiro; Ronaldo Modesto Ponciano; Christian Scoralich Alves; João Paulo Costa Silva; Luiz Filipe Peres Moura Araujo; Melissa Santos Aguiar; João Paulo Costa Silva; Ana Paula Ferreira Monteiro; Lucas Martins Figueiredo; Lucas Rodrigues Frank; Robert William da Silva; Igor de Andrade Junqueira; Emerson da Silva de Oliveira; Bruno Rocha Guedes; Alexander Silva Barbosa; Denner Efisio Emanuel Reis
Research, Development, and Innovation (PD&I)
In progress (1): Demanda Universal - FAPEMIG 001/2018 - Coordenador; RNP - Projeto de PD&I nos Serviços da Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa - Coordenador
Past (since 2017) (5): FINEP - LNCC (2017-2019); RNP GT-SADI (2019-2020); Microsoft IA (2018-2019); PTI/Lasse Itaipu - SDN (2018-2019); FAPESP/MCTIC - MEGACHAIN (2019-2022);
Events organization
2023: SBSeg 2023 @ UFJF - Chair; IEEE ISCC - Workshop DInstInSys - Publicity Chair; eScience - AI4Health Workshop Chair and Latin America Lead, IEEE GLOBECOM TPC.
2022: Globecom - SAC/CISS - TPC Member; EAI MobiCase - Workshop Chair; IEEE ISCC - Workshop DInstInSys - Publicity Chair; 3PGCIC - Track Cloud and Service-Oriented Computing - PC Member; CCGrid and AI4Health Workshop Chair and Latin America Lead.
2021: 3PGCIC - Track Cloud and Service-Oriented Computing - PC Member
2020: 3PGCIC - Track Cloud and Service-Oriented Computing - PC Member
2019: 3PGCIC - Track Cloud and Service-Oriented Computing - PC Member; Hackathon UFJF+ Inteligente - Coordenador
2018: Chair WGID/SBSeg Natal/RN - UFRN
Only the main contributions or real participation in the organization (such as chairing a session or helping the organization) are shown. The technical paper revisions or journal board, for example, are not listed. I worked as a technical revisor for more than 20 journals and more than 50 conferences.
Awards (since 2017)
Best Master's Dissertation on SBRC 2022 (advisor)
Best papers: ICCSA 2019; SBSeg 2021
Honorable Mention on the most important technical event in the Brazilian electricity sector (SNPTEE) 2022
Works indicated to WTICG/SBSeg, CTD/SBRC, and CTDSeg
Technical Committees
@UFJF: Coordenador do Comitê Assessor da Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa (2018-2021); Comissões do DCC/UFJF e do PPGCC
Outside the University: CT-GID: a member of the technical committee of IAM at RNP; Global eduroam Governance Committee
VIEIRA, A. B. ; SILVA, EDELBERTO F. ; MODESTO, R. ; FRANK, L. R. . SADI - Sistema de Análise de Dados em Tempo Real para Serviços de Gestão de Identidade. 2021. Patente: Programa de Computador. Número do registro: BR512021000479-5, data de registro: 12/03/2021, título: "SADI - Sistema de Análise de Dados em Tempo Real para Serviços de Gestão de Identidade" , Instituição de registro: INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial.
The article entitled Identity management for Internet of Things: Concepts, challenges and opportunities was published in Computer Communications 10.1016/j.comcom.2024.05.014
We are glad to announce that we have 3 papers accepted in IEEE ISCC 2024
We are glad to announce that we had 4 papers accepted in SBRC 2024
I am a researcher working with RNP to investigate 5G and eduroam integration.