HVCHS Health Center

Welcome to the Health Center

Kelly Hall, RN

School Nurse


Phone: (609) 737-4003 ext. 3537

Fax: (609) 737-2471

Angela Drake, MA, RN

School Nurse


Phone: (609) 737-4003 ext 3537

Fax: (609) 737-2471

Office Hours are 7:40-3:00pm  Monday to Friday

Please leave us a voice mail if we are unable to answer the phone.  We may be taking care of students.

The HVCHS Health Services Program is designed to maximize students health potential and provide a broad spectrum of health services to students. The goals of the school health services program are: 


If you would like to report an absence, please call the attendance line and leave a message by 8am.

Attendance Line #:  (609) 737-4003 option 1

Please tell us your child's name, grade and information regarding absence.

Information is confidential and will be shared with us if medically related. 

We do track all illness in the school and all information is helpful.

This phone line is available for convenience 24 hours a day.