Welcome to 7th Grade Health and Wellness
5/6th Grade Physical Education
Contact Information phone- (330)856-8250 email- robin.kapalko@howlandschools.org
Help make our school a safer place! Report suspicious activity or non-criminal school-safety concerns to SaferSchools Ohio (844-SAFEROH)
The Instructional Fee s - $35.00 and the Chromebook fee is $30.00. Payments can be made in the main office or online using payforit.net.
Help our school reach Title I status- submit a free and reduced lunch/breakfast form.
Week At A Glance
The week at a glance is a rough draft of our week. Please refer to google classroom for all assignments and due dates.
Physical Education 5/6 Week at a Glance
Health & Wellness 7 Week at a Glance