
Publications from the Findlay Lab (undergraduate student authors in bold):

Gubala, AM, JF Schmitz, MJ Kearns, TT Vinh, E Bornberg-Bauer, MF Wolfner, GD Findlay. 2017. The goddard and saturn genes are required for Drosophila male fertility and may have evolved de novo. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 1066-1082. Available online.

Singh, A, NA Buehner, H Lin, KJ Baranowski, GD Findlay, MF Wolfner. 2018. Long-term interaction between Drosophila sperm and sex peptide is mediated by other seminal proteins that bind only transiently to sperm. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 102: 43-51. Available online.

McGeary, MK, GD Findlay. 2020. Molecular evolution of the sex peptide network in Drosophila. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33: 629-641. Available online. Preprint available on bioRxiv.

Lange, A*, PH Patel*, B Heames, AM Damry, T Saenger, CJ Jackson, GD Findlay, E Bornberg-Bauer. 2021. Structural and functional characterization of a putative de novo gene in Drosophila. Nature Communications 12: 1667. [*equal contribution] Available online. Preprint available on bioRxiv.

Rivard, EL*, AG Ludwig*, PH Patel*, A Grandchamp, SE Arnold, A Berger, EM Scott, BJ Kelly, GC Mascha, E Bornberg-Bauer, GD Findlay. 2021. A putative de novo evolved gene required for spermatid chromatin condensation in Drosophila melanogaster. PLOS Genetics 17: e1009787. [*equal contribution] Available online. Preprint available on bioRxiv.

Publications from students in Bio 261: Genetics Lab, in collaboration with the Genomics Education Partnership (Holy Cross undergraduates in bold):

Laskowski, LF, J Yordy, F Oluwataboi, S Shelley-Tremblay, M Donahue, E DeMaso, R Issa, M Zhou, LK Reed, GD Findlay, JS Thompson, CP Rele. Drosophila eugracilis -- Cul1. In prep for microPublications.

Laskowski, LF, SE Arnold, A Tariq, S Amin, GD Findlay, N Tsotakos, CP Rele. Drosophila pseudoobscura – Mipp2. In prep.

Laskowski, LF, K Lefler, A Dermady, SA Hoffman, PI Hernandez Acevedo, GD Findlay, LK Reed, JC Martinez-Cruzado, CP Rele. Drosophila mojavensis – CycG. In prep.

Below are Professor Findlay's previous publications:

Clark, NL*, GD Findlay*, X Yi, MJ MacCoss, WJ Swanson. 2007. Duplication and selection on abalone sperm lysin in an allopatric population. Molecular Biology and Evolution 24: 2081-2090. Available online. [*equal contribution]

Findlay, GD, X Yi, MJ MacCoss, WJ Swanson. 2008. Proteomics reveals novel Drosophila seminal fluid proteins transferred at mating. PLoS Biology 6: e178. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060178 Available online.

Findlay, GD, MJ MacCoss, WJ Swanson. 2009. Proteomic identification of previously unannotated, rapidly evolving seminal fluid genes in Drosophila. Genome Research 19: 886-896. Available online.

Dean, MD, NL Clark, GD Findlay, RC Karn, WJ Swanson, X Yi, MJ MacCoss, MW Nachman. 2009. Proteomics and comparative genomic investigations reveal heterogeneity in evolutionary rate of male reproductive proteins in mice (Mus domesticus). Molecular Biology and Evolution 26: 1733-1743. Available online.

Dean, MD, GD Findlay, MR Hoopmann, CC Wu, WJ Swanson, MJ MacCoss, MW Nachman. 2011. Identification of ejaculated proteins in the house mouse (Mus domesticus) via isotopic labeling. BMC Genomics 12: 306. Available online.

Glukhova, VA, DM Tomazela, GD Findlay, RJ Monnat, MJ MacCoss. 2013. Rapid assessment of RNAi-mediated protein depletion by selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mass spectrometry. Journal of Proteome Research 12: 3246-3254. Available online.

Findlay, GD, JL Sitnik, W Wang, CF Aquadro, NL Clark, MF Wolfner. 2014. Evolutionary rate covariation identifies new members of a protein network required for Drosophila melanogaster female post-mating responses. PLoS Genetics 10: e1004108. Available online.

Sirot, LK*, GD Findlay*, JL Sitnik*, D Frasheri, FW Avila, MF Wolfner. 2014. Molecular characterization and evolution of a gene family encoding both female- and male-specific reproductive proteins in Drosophila. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31: 1554-1567. Available online. [*equal contribution]

Review-type articles:

Findlay, GD and WJ Swanson. 2010. Proteomics enhances evolutionary and functional analysis of reproductive proteins. BioEssays 32: 26-36. Available online.

Avila, FW, GD Findlay, A Gothilf, EL Nino. 2012. Meeting review -- BARD Workshop: Insect Reproductive Molecules: From model systems to agricultural applications. Molecular Reproduction and Development 79: 816-820. Available online.

Findlay GD. 2018. A well-researched book in search of an audience: Making Sense of Genes by Kostas Kampourakis. CBE – Life Sciences Education 17: fe6, 1-3. Available online.

Swanson, WJ and GD Findlay. 2019. A conversation with Mariana Wolfner, newly elected member of the National Academy of Sciences. Molecular Reproduction and Development 87: 3-6. Available online.