Current Members

Gaby Avila-Bront was born in Venezuela and moved to New York City as a child. She fell in love with chemistry in high school. She received her bachelor's degree from Columbia University. As an undergraduate she was a member of Professor George Flynn's research group and an eager member of the Chandler Society for Undergraduate Chemistry majors. After graduating, Gaby pursued her Ph.D. studies at the University of Chicago under the tutelage of Professor Steven Sibener. A bona fide foodie, she enjoys honing her cooking skills in Mexican and Korean cuisine, eating tacos, and trying new restaurants with her husband and three (ridiculously boisterous) children. When not eating tacos, she can be found exploring New England on the weekends or collapsed on her couch watching an film adaptation of one of Jane Austen's novels or reading an Agatha Christie mystery.

Jack Sette-Ducati

Jack is from Sudbury Massachusetts and graduated from Concord Academy in 2018 before coming to Holy Cross. He started working in Avilab in the Fall of 2020 and will be graduating in the Fall of 2022. He is a chemistry major with a computer science minor and is aspiring to attend graduate school for computational chemistry. In his free time he can be found in the mountainous state of Vermont skiing, sailing and hiking, or at Treehouse Brewery.

Emma Canning

Emma is a chemistry major from Newton, Massachusetts. She loves dogs and can often be found playing with her golden doodle, Seamus. Emma loves thrifting, especially handmade and vintage earrings. She is so grateful to be able to experience the lab setting after being deprived of it for her first year of college due to COVID 19 and hopes to continue pursuing research post-graduation from Holy Cross.

Danny Williams grew up in Wilton, CT as the youngest of 4 children. He attended Vermont Academy where he was a head tour guide and played soccer and tennis. In his free time, he enjoys playing tennis and skiing with friends, playing guitar, and throwing the ball for his yellow lab Ella. After Holy Cross, he hopes to continue chemistry research in graduate school.