About Mr. K

But enough about you.  Let's talk about ME!

The 2023/2024 school year is my 30th year here at HHS and my 36th year of teaching overall.   This year, I’ll be teaching three sections of Honors Physics and one of Multivariable Calculus.

I studied mechanical and aerospace engineering as an undergraduate at Princeton, where I earned a BSE (1987).  Then I earned my MA in Mathematics from Georgian Court University (1997).

As a physics teacher, I spend a lot of time thinking about how to teach math.  I have written a couple of books about high school level math.


Since one focus of this book is the math you need in order to do science, don't be surprised if many of the ideas in this book also show up in my classroom during your studies of physics this year! See more about Mr K’s Algebra Book!


And this one is about how to prepare for the math SAT.   If I see you reading it in the commons, you will not get extra credit. But if you have questions about it, I will stop by your table and answer them if I can.See more about Mr K’s SAT Math Book!

Is that enough about me?  If you are still curious to know more...

I am married and I have two grown children of my own. My son teaches math in a high school in NYC and my daughter works for a non-profit in Baltimore.  

I also have three dogs: Hawkeye, Orla and Dandelion. Watch my computer background in class -- my dogs make frequent appearances.  For now, here's Hawkeye: