Classroom Rules 2018-2019

Welcome to another exciting year in Spanish class! We are looking forward to all the fun activities and projects. In order to have a successful year, we would like to share our basic procedures and guidelines.

Learning Goals:

 Willingness to use and immerse oneself in the TL(target language)

 Focus and improve Communication skills in the TL through the use of classroom activities, games, etc.

 Openness to learning about new cultures

 Strive to receive a passing grade

Grading: Grades for each semester are based on quizzes, participation/speaking, and homework.

Quizzes (69%)

 Types of quizzes: vocabulary, grammar, spelling, listening, writing and reading comprehension, projects.

 Students should expect at least 1 or two quizzes per week, or every other week.

 Most quizzes will include possible bonus points/extra credit

 Retake opportunities on some type of quizzes will be granted to those students who are willing to study and show up for after school help

Participation/Speaking (23%)

 Students will be required to participate in different types of oral and/or written activities in class such as: role playing, answering and asking questions, singing, reading, and working individually or with a partner or group. Student participation will be assessed using a Participation Rubric that will be shared with the class at the beginning of the year.

 Participation will also occasionally include an oral project/presentation in front of class.

Homework (8%)

 Written homework is normally assigned 3 to 5 times per week. Often, the assignment will be to finish a worksheet or an activity that was started, but not finished in class.

 If there is no written homework assigned, students are still expected to review vocabulary and grammatical concepts every day for a minimum of 10-15 minutes.

 Homework is always due and checked at the start of the next class. Assignments that are completed with effort will receive credit regardless of containing some errors. Missing, late, incomplete, or carelessly done homework is not accepted and will not get ANY credit. Late homework will be accepted only in a case of an absence or an emergency.

Classroom Rules/Expectations

RESPECT teacher, classmates, and the property of others.

 Have a positive and inclusive attitude.

 Raise your hand to get my attention and WAIT to be called on.

 Do not chew gum during class.

 Arrive to class on time, prepared, sit in your assigned seat and be ready to start learning.

 At the start of each class, assigned homework should be visible on the desk and ready to be checked

 Upon arriving in class, check the board for Quick Starts (Para Empezar) and begin working on the activity. If there is none, review what was covered on the previous day or study the vocabulary. Beginning of class should not be used to socialize with peers.

 Chromebooks should be charged daily and be used upon teacher instruction only.

 Students have 2 weeks to make up missed assessments.

 Re-take opportunities may be offered if a student has earned 70% or less on an assessment.

 No individual extra credit work is given. Students should try to do their best from the start.

 Students are expected to be respectful and careful while handling classroom property. DO NOT touch the classroom fan, decorations or other materials unless you are instructed to do so by the teacher.

 Failure to follow the classroom rules/expectations will result in various consequences, such as lowering of the participation grade and a lunch/after school detention.

Extra Help

 Monday and Wednesday after school or by appointment.

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