Course Expectations

September 2020

Welcome to 7th Grade Life Science!

My name is Mrs. Smith and I will be your seventh grade life science teacher this year. I am looking forward to an enjoyable and productive year together. The following information is to give you a better understanding of class rules, specific to science class.

Required Materials for Class

  • Chromebook, universal binder, pencils/pens, colored pencils

Remote Learning and In-Person Class Expectations

  • Google Classroom! Check the science Google Classroom page each day for assignments and materials. ** You will need to check the Classwork section daily.

  • Be on Time and Prepared! Arrive to Zoom and in-person class on time, with your materials and ready to learn! Your cameras are expected to be on during all Zoom sessions. If a student arrives late, it disrupts the class and instructions are missed.

  • Participate! I expect a quiet, attentive environment in the classroom where students listen to the teacher and each other. It is so important to ask questions when learning! You can use the Chat or Hand Raising feature on Zoom or raise your hand during in-person class when you have a question or answer. Shouting out is disruptive to class and unacceptable.

  • Respect! I expect an environment of RESPECT for your fellow students and for me. When I ask you to listen, please be quiet and listen!

  • Do Your Work! Completing your classwork and homework is so important to learning the material and being successful in science class. I will check or collect every assignment. If you are absent, you will have the number of days absent to make up the work. It is your responsibility to acquire and make up missed homework, classwork and/or quizzes and tests!!!



Grading will be based on a total points scale. Assignments will include homework, classwork, labs, quizzes, tests, projects, and participation. I hope that all of you have a great year in science and find 7th grade an exciting experience.