Periodic Superheroes

Mr. T's ginormous Periodic Table has been hanging on his wall for 4 years. It's time for you 8th graders to step it up a notch! We're making a full Periodic Table to hang in the 8th grade commons for years to come. It must last the test of time so you must put forth your best effort.


You've already started the process in Art class. This will continue in Science and Humanities. You will be using your creative brain to unleash a new superhero or evil villain. You've been given an element and you must become an expert on it so you can develop a character story. The point is to have your superhero represent the qualities of your element. Along the way you'll get to know what the Periodic Table is all about.

For example, if your element is Sulfur your villain could be yellow and spray a vapor that makes things smell really, really bad and immobilizes your victims since Sulfur is yellow in color and smells really, really bad.


You need to follow this in order. No skipping around.

1. What's an Atom? Download the Atom's Family Powerpoint and read through it very carefully. Complete the two worksheets as you go. Worksheet 1 and Worksheet 2. Then bring the worksheets to Mr. T. (worth 10pts) If you memorize and sing the song to me I'll give you an extra 10 bonus points.

2. Electron Structure. After reading this, draw the electron structure of your element and 9 other elements. Use the following pages for help. Electron Structure. Configuration Table. You must turn this into Mr. T. Then read the following page: Electron Shells and take the quiz at the bottom. Before you submit the quiz, copy and paste the quiz with your answers into an Open Office word doc or google doc. Give that to Mr. T. before you move on. (20 pts)

3. How to read the table. You can watch this video to help you out as well. Print out this page and complete it. Bring it to Mr. T. for a one question quiz about the table.

4. About the Groups/Families. Go to this site and read each link on the bottom where it says Color Key. Those are the groups of the Periodic Table. You need to know these guys, so you will make a list of 2 characteristics of EACH group that separate them from one another. You especially need to know what group your element is in. Bring your characteristics to Mr. T. before you move on. (5 pts)

5. Everything else you need to know. Go through this web tour, starting from the overview link on the right and going right on down. Then fill out this sheet. You'll take a 10 question quiz on this before you move on. (20 pts)

6. Characteristics of your element. Create a list of at least 10 characteristics of your element. (i.e. color, odor, melting/boiling/freezing point, etc) The more characteristics, the better you know your element. (10 pts)

7. Characteristics of your character. Create a list of at least 10 characteristics of your superhero/villain and how they relate to your element. The more characteristics, the better your character. (10 pts)

Jeopardy Powerpoint

Groups/Families Powerpoint (attachment below)