

Grades are symbols reflecting a student’s performance relative to his/her ability. Grading is both a subjective and objective process. In grading, I will consider such variables as individual aptitude, motivation, and task performance. I will base most of your final grade on the “formal grade”. This is the actual percentage you have in the formative and summative assessments.

Homework: Homework is the practice. It is essential that you complete all homework assignments to do well in this course, yet it is ONLY practice. Feel free to take risks when completing the problems and find the solutions in a way that makes sense to you. You will always have all of the solutions to know if you got the right answer. REMEMBER YOU ARE PRACTICING FOR UNDERSTANDING…NOT JUST COMPLETION.

Quizzes 30%: Quizzes will be given on a frequent basis, building on each other from one section to another. The problems on the quiz will either come straight from your homework assignment or be very similar to those types of problems. These will tell you what you do or don’t know. If you are deficient in some areas you should find time to get extra help. All quizzes should be taken by the day of the chapter test. To continue to learn new things as you revisit old things will take a lot of time. Try your best to develop a method to master concepts the first time.

Tests 70%: Tests are given after every chapter. The power essentials will be 70% of your test score.

Please be aware...EVERYTHING CAN BE RETAKEN. You can always work to improve your grade. If you miss a formative or summative assessment a zero will be entered in the grade book, but this is only to show what your grade will be if you don't complete it by the end of the semester. You can always work to improve your grade. Just follow the quiz and test retake procedure.

Quiz and Test Retake Procedure

Correction and Reflection Form


90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

0-59 F