

Summer Food Drive with Rotarian

Jun 29th 2024

As a part two of the Heritage Lions Club - Markham Unionville Rotary Club joint summer food drive, the Heritage Lions and Rotarians work with 30 volunteers from the community on June 29 collecting the food bag distributed earlier. Ward 8 Councillor Lion Isa, Markham Fire Services, York Region Police and the Amica group are all helping the volunteers in the collection run also.  Over 1,000 lb of food were collected and donated to 105 Gibson food bank.  Thank you to all the volunteers and donors making this food drive happen!

Summer Food Drive with Rotarian

Jun 15th 2024

The Heritage Lions joint force with the Markham-Unionville Rotary Club to have the Summer food drive.  Together with Lions, Rotarians and 30 volunteers in the community, over 1,000 food collection bags are distributed today.  This food drive is also supported by Markham Ward 8 Councillor Lion Isa, and the Markham Fire & Emergency Services.  Bags distributed will be collected in two weeks time, with food to be donated to 105 Gibson Food Bank. 

PetValu Walk for Dog Guides@Ada Mackenzie Park

May 26th 2024

The Heritage Lions held the Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides at Ada Mackenzie Park on May 24th, 2026.  We are happy to have 25 walkers, families and Lions doing the walk together on the beautiful Sunday morning.  Thanks to everyone who supported the walk, with your kind support and donations, we are able to raise over $1,000 for the Lions Foundation of Canada dog guides service. Thank you!

YRP International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

April 14th 2024

We are delighted to participate in the York Region Police (YRP) International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2024.  It was a wonderful day to meet with different organizations and community members, learning more of our community and neighbours, and celebrate this special occassion together!

Effective Speaking Contest

March 23rd 2024

Congratulations to Grace Tan and Dev Kochhar the winners from our club Effective Speaker Contest.  In the District A-16 Effective Speaking Contest held on Mar 23 in Newmarket, Dev have the 2nd place in the English senior division contest.  Grace have 1st place in the French senior division.  Grace will be proceeding to the Multiple District 'A' ESC to be held in St. Catherine on May 24-26.

Effective Speaking Contest

March 3rd 2024

The Heritage Lions held the 17th Effective Speaking Contest on Mar 3rd 2024 at Markham Civic Centre.  There were 28 contestants from grade 4 to grade 10 participated in the contest.  It was a great day to see the youth in our community showcasing their communication skills and community engagement. Thanks to all the contestants, parents, educators, judges, volunteers and Lions helped making it happen!

Spirit of Life Chinese New Year Gathering

February 25th 2024

The Heritage Lions jointed force with the Angus Glen Lions serving in the Spirit of Life Chinese New Year gathering.  Families with developmental challenged children in Spirit of Life were enjoying the game booths set up by Lions from the two clubs.  It was a joyful experience to working alongside with our fellow Lions in different club and serving the families in the festive season.   

New Members Induction and Christmas Gathering

December 28th 2023

The Heritage Lions is proud to announce the addition of our two newest members Lion Alex and Lion Karen.   Thanks to DG Lion Sudha, our two new members was inducted on Dec 28 in the club Christmas gathering.  It was a joyful evening the Heritage Lions had with families and friends.  We look forward to serving together in the new year 2024!

JBVC an Unconventional Christmas

December 17th 2023

The Heritage Lions was having an eyeglasses collection booth in Joy Beyond Vision Community's (JBVC) an Unconventional Christmas' public music event on Dec 17th in Pacific Mall.   Partnering with the visual impaired service group, the Lions collected over 200 pairs of glasses in the event. 

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Preparation

November 11th 2023

The Heritage Lions support the Operation Christmas Child this year.  11 lions and families got together on November 11.  We prepared 12 shoeboxes filled with gifts and daily items for children in needs.  It was a great weekend to kick off the festive season by getting together to serve.

Fall Park Clean up

November 11th 2023

The Heritage Lions has the Fall Park Clean up at Toogood Pond Park on November 11th, 2023.  4 Lions participated the clean up today. 

Mental Wellness Expo

October 28th 2023

The Ontario York Region Heritage Lions Club held the Mental Wellness Expo on Oct 28th, 2023 in Amberson High School in Markham. There were more than 150 people attending the event.  Speakers from 5 different services organizations provided seminars on various mental health related topics during the Expo. Participants were enthusiastic to ask questions to the professionals during the seminars.  20 community organizations jointly participated and had booths to showcase their services in the event to residents in the neighborhood. There were attendees expressed gratitude for having the opportunity to discover the mental health and wellness services being offered by various organizations in the community. 

The expo was also being interviewed by various media in the community.  More Pictures are available in the below link:

LFC Dog Guides Open House

September 30th 2023

The Heritage Lions and our friends and families visited the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides open house on Sept 30.  It is always amazing to see the dog guides in action demonstrating how they serve in the different programs (Vision, Hearing Aid, Service, Seizure Response, Diabetic Alert, Autism Assistance and Facility Support).  It is an extraordinary day that the younger children in our Lions family have the unique opportunity to learn about the dog guides and pet the puppies!

New Members Induction and Club Officers Installation

August 13th 2023

The Heritage Lions is proud to announce the addition of our two newest members Lion Aicha and Lion Queenie.   Thanks to Past MDA Council Chair Lion Tim Cheung, our two new members are inducted today, and the club officers of 2023-2024 are being installed as well.  It is a new year that we look forward to, with more new service, and continue to serve.

Used Eyeglasses Collections

July 9th 2023

The Heritage Lions continus the used eyeglasses collections throughout the year of 2023.  With the support of our community partners, we have collected over 1,000 pairs of eyeglasses, 300 pairs of sunglasses and 1,000 pcs of lens in 2023 as of July.  The vision service is one pillar of our services continuing through these years and will keep going on.

Summary Park Clean up

July 9th 2023

OYRHLC has the Summer Park Clean up at Toogood Pond Park on July 9th, 2023.  7 Lions with their families and friends participated in the clean up today.  It is a refreshing start of the new Lion year for the Heritage Lions!

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