Problem Gambling
Gambling is the activity where an individual risks money or something of value on an unknown outcome in hopes of gaining something of value (money, prize, possession, etc.). When gambling, a person might leave with less money than he/she/they started off with, and sometimes with nothing at all.
Forms of Gambling
In chance-based games, players have no way to influence or affect the outcome. Examples of chance-based gambling include Bingo, Roulette, Lottery Daily Numbers, Lottery Scratch Tickets, and Slot Machines.
Skill-based games are ones where the players have some influence, but chance remains a factor. Examples of skill-based games include sports betting, poker, fantasy sports contests, and blackjack.
Effects on the Brain
Research has found that gambling activates the brain's reward system in much the same way alcohol or other drugs do. Like alcohol and other drugs, some individuals may be more prone to developing problems. As an individual gambles more, it can overstimulate the brain’s reward system, causing a reaction in the brain that reduces the level of pleasure felt. This change in brain chemistry causes the individual to gamble more to feel the pleasure they seek.
Warning Signs
These warning signs may signal that you or someone you love has developed a problem with gambling. If any of these signs sound familiar, reach out for free, confidential support.
Constantly thinking about gambling (reliving past gambling experiences, planning the next venture, thinking of ways to get gambling money, etc.)
Being secretive about gambling habits and defensive when confronted
Lying to family and others about the extent of gambling
Increasing bet amounts to achieve the desired excitement (“high”)
Trying unsuccessfully to control, cut back or stop gambling
Feeling restless or irritable when not gambling
Gambling to escape problems
Chasing losses with more gambling
Committing crimes to finance gambling
Jeopardizing or losing relationships, jobs, education or career opportunities because of gambling
Relying on others to relieve a desperate financial situation caused by gambling