Course Information


Please click HERE to access the course outline.


Students will require the following materials and should bring them to class every day.

- Large 3 Ring Binder

- Lined Paper

- Pencil

- Ruler

- Calculator


Students require their own calculator (preferably scientific) to use every day in class.

Students are NOT PERMITTED to use a phone, MP3 player, or tablet as a calculator during any type of evaluation (quizzes, tests, final performance task, Final Exam/EQAO).

Calculators may not be shared between students during evaluations.


Principles of Mathematics 9

McGraw Hill Ryerson


It is your responsibility to provide evidence of your learning within established timelines. Due dates for assignments and the scheduling of tests will be communicated well in advance to allow you to schedule your time. If you aren’t going to be able to follow an agreed upon timeline, you should demonstrate your responsibility and organizational skills by discussing with your teacher the challenges you’re facing as far in advance of the deadline as possible.

It is your responsibility to be academically honest in all aspects of your schoolwork so that the marks you receive are a true reflection of your achievement. Plagiarism is using the words, ideas or work of someone else without giving appropriate credit to the original creator. This is a form of cheating.

Consequences for not meeting these academic standards may include:

· Reporting the issue to your parents;

· Requiring you to complete the original or alternative work after school or during your lunch hour;

· Requiring you to complete an alternative assignment;

· Suspension;

· Assigning a “zero” for an assignment not completed prior to an agreed upon closure date;

· Mark deduction of 5% / day.

NOTE: The complete HDSB policies and administrative procedures for Lates and Missed Assignments and

Cheating and Plagiarism policies may be found at


All absences should be reported by your parent/guardian using the online attendance reporting system, or by calling the school. Students are responsible for any work missed during an absence.

It is the expectation of the Halton District School Board that students will attend school on scheduled school days and take holidays according to the school year calendar. In the event that parents choose to take their child(ren) out of school at times other than school holidays, the onus lies with them to provide program. Teachers cannot provide detailed daily homework assignments that replicate the missed school work.


Homework Help is a free online program funded by the Ontario government and administered by TVO’s Independent Learning Centre. Homework Help is available Sunday to Thursday from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM.

If you have not already signed up for a account, all you need is your OEN (found on your report card).