Welcome to the University of Hawaii Microdevices & Microfluidics Lab

This lab develops microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), microfabricated devices, and microfluidic devices for various applications.

Research Areas:

Research in the UH MNM Lab

Recent News

April 2024: Congratulations to Saige for being named an ARCS Scholar!

Jan 2024: Welcome to our newest grad student, Matthew!

Dec 2023: Shaun won the Best Conference Paper award at IEEE-NANOMED 2023!

Archived News

Aug 2023: Welcome to our newest grad student, Glan!

April 2023: S. Dacuycuy awarded EE Dept. Research Excellence Award

May 2022: Congratulations to Saige on receiving his M.S. degree and the Outstanding M.S. Student Award!

April 2022: Saige's recent paper is a Featured Paper and Editor's Choice paper!