
Peer Reviewed

29. Longman, R.J., Lucas, M.P., McLean, J., Cleveland, S.B., Kodama, K., Frazier, A.G., Kemelamela, K., Schriber, A., Dodge II., M., Jacobs, G., and Giambelluca T.W. The Hawai‘i Climate Data Portal (HCDP) Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS)

28. Xiao L. Fracier A.G., Diaz, H.F., Longman, R.J., Giambelluca. T.W. (2024), Routine Climate Monitoring in the State of Hawai‘i: Establishment of State Climate Divisions, Bulliten of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS) 

27. Kodama, K., Kourkchi, E., Longman, R.J., Lucas., M.P., Bateni, S., Huang, Y-F, Kagawa-Viviani, A., Mclean, J., Cleveland, S.B., Giambelluca, T.W., (2024) Mapping Daily Air Temperature Over the Hawaiian Islands From 1990 to 2021 via an Optimized Piecewise Linear Regression Technique, Journal of Earth and Space Science, 11(1) 

26. Adhikari, M., Kantar, M.B., Longman, R.J., Oshiro, M., Caires, K., Lee, C.N. He, Y. (2023) Genome-wide association study for carcass weight in pasture finished beef cattle in Hawai‘i, Frontiers in Genetics, 14. 

25. Mourey, A.J., Shea, T., Costa, F., Shiro, B., Longman R.J. Years of magma intrusion primed Kilauea Volcano for the 2018 eruption In Review – (Accepted Bulletin of Volcanology) 

24. Frazier, A.F., Giardina, C.P., Giambelluca, T.W., Brewington, L., Chen, Y-L., Chen, P-S., Fortini, L.B., Hall, D., Helweg, D.A., Keener, V.W., Longman, R.J., Lucas, M.P., Mair, A, Oki, D.S. , Reys, J.J., Yelenik, S.G., Trauernicht, C., A century of spatial and temporal patterns of drought in Ha-waiʻi across hydrological, ecological, and socioeconomic scales, Sustainability 

23. Longman, R.J. Frazier, A.G. Giardina, C.P. Parsons, E.W.; McDaniel, S. (2022) The Pacific Drought Knowledge Exchange: A Co-Production Approach to Deliver Climate Resources to User Groups. Sustainability, 14, 10554. 

22. Huang, Y-F. Tsang, Y-P., Gayte, M. Longman, R.J. Nugent, A., Kodama, K., Lucas, M. and Giambelluca., T.W., Hourly rainfall data from rain gauge networks and weather radar up to 2020 across the Hawaiian Islands. Scientific Data. 9(334)

21. Adhikari, M. Longman R.J., Giambelluca, T.W., Lee, C.N., and He, Y. Climate Change Impacts and Shifting Landscape of Dairy Industry in Hawai‘i, Translational Animal Science. 6(2). 

20. Lucas, M. P., Longman, R. J., Giambelluca, T. W. Frazier, A. G., Mclean, J., Clevland, S. B.  Haung Y, and Lee, J. H. (2022) Optimizing automated kriging to improve spatial interpolation of monthly rainfall over complex terrain. Rev. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 23(4).

19.  Longman R.J., Peterson, C. L., Baroli, M., Frazier, A. F., Cook, Z., Parsons, E. W. Dina, M., Kamelamela, K. L., Steele, C., Burnett, R., Swanston, C. and Giardina, C. P. (2022) Climate Adaptation for Tropical Island Land Stewardship: Adapting a Workshop Planning Process to Hawai‘i Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

18. Mclean J., Cleveland, S. B., Dodge II, M., Lucas, M.P., Longman, R.J., Giambelluca, T.W., and Jacobs, G.A. (2021) Building a portal for climate data-Mapping automation, visualization, and dissemination. Concurrency Computation Practices Experiments.

17. Longman, R.J., Elison Timm, O., Giambelluca, T.W., and Kaiser L., (2021). A 20-year analysis of disturbance-driven rainfall on Oʻahu, Hawai‘i.” Monthly Weather Review (Accepted).

16. Xue, L., Wang, Y., Newman, A.J. Ikeda, K, Rasmussen, R.M., Giambelluca, T.W., Longman, R.J., Monaghan, A.J., Clark, M.P., and Arnold, J.R., (2020). How will rainfall change over Hawai‘i in the future? High-resolution regional climate simulation of the Hawaiian Islands. Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology, 118, 1-32. 

15. McLean, J.H., Cleveland, S.B., Lucas, M.P., Longman R.J., Giambelluca., T.W., Leigh, J., and Jacobs., J.A., (2020). The Hawai‘i Rainfall Analysis and Mapping Application (HI-RAMA): Decision Support and Data Visualization for Statewide Rainfall Data. Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing. 239-245.  

14. Longman, R.J., Newman, A.J. Giambelluca, T.W. Lucas, M., (2020). Characterizing the uncertainty and assessing the value of gap-filled daily rainfall data in Hawai‘i. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59 (7), 1261-1276.

13. Nugent, A.D., Longman, R.J., Trauernicht, C., Lucas, M.P, Diaz, H.F. Giambelluca, T.W., (2020). Fire and Rain: The Legacy of Hurricane Lane in Hawai‘i, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (E954-E967).

12. Longman, R.J. Frazier, A.G., Newman, A.J., Giambelluca, T.W., Schanzenbach, D., Kagawa-Viviani, A., Needham, H., Arnold, J.R., Clark, M.P., (2019). High-resolution gridded daily rainfall and temperature for the Hawai‘i Islands (1990-2014). Journal of Hydrometeorology, 20, 489-508.

11. Newman A.J., Clark M.P., Longman, R.J., and Giambelluca T.W., Nullet, (2018). Methodological Inter-Comparisons of Station-based Gridded Meteorological Products: Utility, Limitations, and Paths Forward. Journal of Hydrometeorology 20, 489-508.

10. Longman R.J., Giambelluca, T.W., Nullet, M.A., Frazier, A.G., Kodoma, K, Crausbay, S.D., Krushelnycky, P.D., Cordell, S, Clark, M.P., Newman, A.J. and Arnold, J.R. (2018). Compilation of climate data from heterogeneous networks across the Hawaiian Islands. Scientific Data, , 5: 180012

9. Krushelnycky, P.D., Starr, F., Starr, K., Longman, R.J., Frazier, A.G., Loope, L.L.(2016). Change in trade wind inversion frequency implicated in the decline of an alpine plant, Climate Change Responses 3(1),1

8. Longman R.J., Diaz H.F. and Giambelluca T.W. (2015). Sustained Increases in Lower Tropospheric subsidence over the central tropical North Pacific drives a decline in High Elevation precipitation in Hawai‘i. Journal of Climate, 28(22) 8743-8759.

7. Mora, C., Frazier A.G., Longman R.J., Dacks R.S., Walton M.M, Tong E.J., Sanchez J.J., Kaiser L.R., Stender Y.O., Anderson J.M., Ambrosino  C.M., Fernandex-Silva  I., Griffen L.M., and Giambelluca T.W., (2013). Mora et al. reply. Nature, 511

6. Gotsch, S. G., Crausbay S.D., Giambelluca T.W., Weintraub  A.E.,  Longman R.J., Asbjornsen H., Hotchkiss S.C., Dawson T.E. (2014). Water relations and microclimate around the upper limit of a cloud forest in Maui, Hawai'i. Tree Physiology, tpu050.

5. Longman, R.J., Giambelluca T.W., Allis R.J., and Barnes M. (2014). Temporal solar radiation change at high elevations in Hawai‘i. Journal of Geophysical Research 119 (10) 6022-6033.

4. Crausbay, SD, Frazier AG, Giambelluca T.W., Longman R.J., and Hotchkiss S.C.  (2014).  Moisture status during a strong El Niño explains a tropical montane cloud forest's upper limit.  Oecologia 175, 273-284.

3. Mora, C., Frazier A.G., Longman R.J., Dacks R.S., Walton M.M, Tong E.J., Sanchez J.J., Kaiser L.R., Stender Y.O., Anderson J.M., Ambrosino  C.M., Fernandex-Silva  I., Griffen L.M., and Giambelluca T.W. (2013). The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability. Nature 502, 183-187, doi: 10.1038/nature12540. 

2. Longman, R.J., Giambelluca T.W., and Nullet M.A. (2013). Use of a clear-day solar radiation model to homogenize solar radiation measurements in Hawai‘i. Solar Energy 91,102-11

1. Longman, R.J., Giambelluca T.W., and Frazier A.G. (2012). Modeling clear-sky solar radiation across a range of elevations in Hawai‘i: Comparing the use of input parameters at different temporal resolutions. Journal of Geophysical Research 117: D02201

Technical Reports

4. Bettinger, K., and Longman, R.J., (2020). Pacific Island Country Climate Factsheets. USAID Climate Ready Knowledge Products, Contract Number AID-492-H-17-00001

3. Longman, R.J., Elison-Timm, O., Giambelluca, T.W., and Kaiser, L. (2018). A Climatology of Cold Fronts in Oʻahu Hawai‘i (1990-2010). Technical Report Honolulu Board of Water Supply, Honolulu Hawai‘I 43 pp.

2. Longman R.J., Giambelluca T.W., Nullet M.A., and Loope L.L. (2015) Climatology of Haleakalā. Technical Report No. 193. Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, Hawai‘i. 126 pp.

1. Giambelluca, T.W., Shuai X., Barnes M.L., Alliss R.J., Longman R.J., Miura T., Chen Q., Frazier A.G., Mudd R.G., Cuo L., and Businger A.D. (2014) Evapotranspiration of Hawai‘i. Final report submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers—Honolulu District, and the Commission on Water Resource Management, State of Hawai‘i.

Textbook Contributions

1. Longman R.J. 2016: Solar Power. In D. Hess (Ed.) McKnights Physical Geography A landscape appreciation (12th ed., pp. 81). Hoboken N.J.

Manuscripts In Review

3. Rezaei A., Heggy E., Bateni, S., Karami, H., Longman R.J., Band, S.S. Utilizing new machine learning approaches to predict urban runoff: A case study of El-Qasr region in Egypt– (In Review: Water Resources Management) 

2. Kodama, K., Longman, R.J., Kourkchi, E., Lucas, M.P., Bateni, S., Huang, YF., Kagawa-Viviani, Mclean, J., Cleveland, T.W., and Giambelluca. T.W. (In Prep), Mapping Daily Temperature in the Hawaiian Islands (1990-2021), using an optimized bi-linear regression technique (In Review: Journal of Geophysical Research).

1. Adhikari, M., Kantar, M.B., Longman, R.J., Oshiro, M., Caires, K., Thorne, M. Lee, C.N. and He, Y. Genome-wide association study for carcass weight in pasture finished beef cattle in Hawai'i (In Review: Animal Science).

Manuscripts In Preparation

1. Longman, R.J., Ford, D., , Yeo, M., King, R., Adylett, W., Bukunt B., Adylett, M., and Frazier, A.F. Mapping Monthly Rainfall in Guam (In Preparation).
