Select Publications

Lantz MJ, Roberts AM, Delgado DD and Nichols RA (2023) The neuroprotective N-terminal amyloid-β core hexapeptide reverses reactive gliosis and gliotoxicity in Alzheimer’s disease pathology models. J. Neuroinflammation, 20, Article number: 129


Nichols RA, Gulisano W and Puzzo D (2022) Editorial: Beta amyloid: From physiology to pathogenesis. Front. Mol. Neurosci., 15, 876224.

View in: PubMed

        Link:doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.876224

Xu M, Lantz M, Nichols RA and Li QX (2022) Anti-neuroinflammatory effects of a semi-synthetic isoorientin-based GSK-3β inhibitor in 

     lipopolysaccharide-activated SIM-A9 microglial cells. ACS Chem. Neurosci. , 13, 43-52

       View in: PubMed


Forest KH, Taketa R, Arora K, Todorovic C and Nichols RA (2021) The neuroprotective beta amyloid hexapeptide core reverses

     deficits in synaptic plasticity in the 5XFAD APP/PS1 mouse model.  Front. Mol. Neurosci., 14, 576038.

       View in: PubMed



Roberts JP, Stokoe SA, Sathler MF, Nichols RA and Kim S  (2021) Selective co-activation of α7- and α4β2-nicotinic acetylcholine 

     receptors reverses beta-amyloid-induced synaptic dysfunction. J. Biol. Chem., 296, 100402.  

       View in: PubMed



Tan X, Liang Z, Li Y, Zhi Y, Yi L, Bai S, Forest KH, Nichols, RA, Dong Y, Li QX (2021) Isoorientin, a GSK-3β inhibitor, rescues synaptic 

     dysfunction, spatial memory deficits and attenuates pathological progression in APP/PS1 model mice. Behav Brain Res 398, 112968.  

       View in: PubMed



Arora K, Belcaid M, Lantz MJ, Taketa R, Nichols RA (2020) Transcriptome profile of nicotinic receptor-linked sensitization of beta amyloid 

     neurotoxicity. Sci Rep 10, 5696. 

        View in: PubMed



Forest KH, Nichols RA. (2019) Assessing neuroprotective agents for Aβ-induced neurotoxicity. Trends Mol Med. 25(8): 685-695.

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Forest* KH, Alfulaij* N, Arora K, Taketa R, Sherrin T, Todorovic C, Lawrence JLM, Yoshikawa GT, Ng H-L, Hruby VJ, Nichols RA. (2018)

     Protection against beta amyloid neurotoxicity by a non-toxic endogenous N-terminal beta amyloid fragment and its active hexapeptide core

     sequence. J Neurochem 144: 201-217.  *Co-First Authors

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Morel C, Sherrin T, Kennedy NJ, Forest KH, Avcioglu Barutcu S, Robles M, Carpenter-Hyland E, Alfulaij N, Standen CL, Nichols RA,

     Benveniste M, Davis RJ and Todorovic C. (2018) JIP-1 mediated JNK activation negatively regulates synaptic plasticity and spatial    

     memory.  J Neurosci. 38(15), 3708-3728.

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Kabbani N, Nichols RA (2018) Beyond the channel: Metabotropic signaling by nicotinic receptors. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 39(4):354-366.

          View in: PubMed

Arora K, Cheng J, Nichols RA. (2015) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors sensitize a MAPK-linked  toxicity pathway on prolonged exposure to 

    beta amyloid. J Biol Chem 290: 21409-21240.

View in: PubMed

Lawrence JLM, Tong M, Alfulaij N, Sherrin T, Contarino M, White MM, Bellinger FP, Todorovic, C,  Nichols RA. (2014) Regulation of presynaptic Ca2+,    

   synaptic plasticity and contextual fear conditioning by a N-terminal beta amyloid fragment. J Neurosci 34: 14210-14218.  (Featured article)

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Arora K, Alfulaij N, Higa JK, Panee J, Nichols RA. (2013) Impact of sustained exposures to beta-amyloid on calcium homeostasis and neuronal integrity in model nerve system expressing alpha4beta2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. J Biol Chem 288: 11175-11190.

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Pitts M, Raman AV, Hashimoto AC, Nichols RA, Berry MJ. (2012) Depletion of selenoprotein P results in impaired function of parvalbumin interneurons and alterations in fear learning and sensorimotor gating. Neurosci 208: 58-68

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Tong M, Arora K, White MM, Nichols RA.(2011)  Role of key aromatic residues in ligand-binding domain of alpha7 nicotinic receptors in the agonist action of beta-amyloid. J Biol Chem 286: 34373-34381.

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Yang K, Buhlman L, Khan GM, Nichols RA, Jin G, McIntosh JM, Whiteaker P, Lukas RJ, Wu J.(2011)  Functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors containing  alpha6 subunits are on GABAergic neuronal boutons adherent to ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons. J Neurosci 31: 2537-2548.

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Khan GM, Tong M, Jhun M, Arora K, Nichols RA. (2010) Beta-amyloid activates presynaptic alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors reconstituted into a  model nerve cell system: involvement of lipid rafts. Eur J Neurosci 31: 788-796.

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Mehta TK, Dougherty JJ, Wu J, Choi CH, Khan GM, Nichols RA. (2009) Defining presynaptic nicotinic receptors regulated by beta amyloid in mouse cortex  and hippocampus with receptor null mutants. J Neurochem 109: 1452-1458.

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Dougherty JJ, Wu J, Mehta TK, Brown B, Nichols RA. (2008) Chronic nicotine alters nicotinic receptor-induced presynaptic Ca2+ responses in isolated nerve terminals. Neurochem Res 33: 1106-1112.

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Nichols RA, Dengler AF, Nakagawa EM, Bashkin M, Paul BT, Wu J, Khan GM. (2007) A constitutive, transient receptor potential-like Ca2+ influx pathway in presynaptic nerve endings independent of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and Na+/Ca2+ exchange. J Biol Chem 282: 36102-36111.

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Wu J, Khan GM, Nichols RA. (2007) Dopamine release in prefrontal cortex in response to beta-amyloid activation of alpha7* nicotinic receptors. Brain Res 1182: 82-89. 

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Wu J, Dougherty JJ, Nichols RA. (2006) Dopamine receptor regulation of Ca2+ levels in individual isolated nerve terminals from rat striatum: comparison of presynaptic D1-like and D2-like receptors. J Neurochem 98: 481-494.

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Dougherty JJ, Wu J, Nichols RA. (2003) Beta-amyloid regulation of presynaptic nicotinic receptors in rat hippocampus and cortex. J Neurosci 23: 6740-6747. 

   View in: PubMed

[Out of 81 publications]