Jim's Page

Iʻm originally from San Jose, California but have called Hawai‘i home for over two decades now.

I wear two hats as Program Coordinator for the National Foreign Language Resource Center and Events Coordinator for the College of Languages, Linguistics & Literature at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.

Perhaps the best description of me is from my Facebook bio: "Conference organizer, line dancer, DJ, foodie, pop culture fan, lover of languages, geyser-obsessed" In my career I've helped organize over 27 NFLRC summer institutes and 60+ conferences and symposia.

Most of my teaching experience has been related to ESL: team-teacher in Chiba Prefecture on the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program and teacher in the UH English Language Institute, teaching academic writing and listening/speaking. Now, the main focus of my teaching is with graduate students in the various workshops I facilitate (Teacher Portfolio & Preparation Series (TiPPS), Teacher Assistant Survival Society (TASS)) and in the various conferences we organize together. Professional development - it's what I do.
