Hee's Page

I have obtained a Master of Arts degree in Applied Linguistics and TESOL and a Ph.D degree in Korean Linguistics at the University of California, Los Angeles. I have taught all levels of Korean language courses in numerous educational settings, including UCLA, Santa Monica College, and the University of Southern California. Currently, I am teaching and working as director of Korean language program at the University of Southern California.

Since I joined the Korean language program at USC in 2012, I have been working towards implementing World Readiness Standards (formerly known as National Standards) into the Korean language curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Through Backward Design, I have identified and articulated learning objectives and assessment tasks for each course. In designing lessons, I have provided students with multiple opportunities to demonstrate language learning. As a certified tester of Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and Writing Proficiency Test (WPT), I have integrated ACTFL oral proficiency interviews and WPT writing tasks into curriculum to ensure that students reach the learning objectives.

I have also endeavored to encourage student engagement in local communities using Korean. To enhance student learning in advanced-level Korean, I have collaborated with USC Joint Education Program (JEP) and the Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ) to offer opportunities for students to conduct service learning in the Korean community. In addition, I have served underpriviledged high school students from Title I area schools surrounding USC as director and instructional lead for the 2016 and 2017 STARTALK summer Korean language programs at USC.
