Romina's Page

My name is Romina Castagno, and I am from Argentina, Córdoba. I am from a small town called San Francisco, but I moved to its capital to pursue my Bachelor´s degree. I got my degree in Translation back in 2014, and since then I have been working remotely for a company located in Washington DC. At that time, I was also pursuing my degree in teaching, but I decided to move out to the United States and get my MA. Hawaii is considered one of the most difficult places to get to for Argentineans due to the tickets cost and the distance. Therefore, I thought, why not living there? It will make everything much easier and cheaper for those who would like to visit us. I say us because I got married a few months before coming here.

I decided to pursue the MA in TESOL at HPU to improve my English language skills as well as to learn different teaching techniques and experience for my classes. I had the opportunity to work with many language centers and schools before coming here. I started working in 2009, teaching English to Spanish speakers. My classes consisted in children, adolescents, or adults, all different levels and usually in classes of no more than 20 students. My classes got much better thanks to one particular company who trained and advised me all the time.

I think that ISI will give me the skills and knowledge I need to make a difference in lessons and to have diverse classes as well as to guide students to develop desirable skills in a different way from traditional classrooms.

I love hiking, sunbathing, biking, and attending events. I usually go to every event in Waikiki, downtown, or even in some other cities in the island. I like learning from different cultures and being immersed in this country.
