

General information:

The conference will include both oral presentations (15-20 min.) and posters. We invite abstracts for any topic related to the focal themes of the conference, including ecology, evolution, biogeography, and conservation on islands, as well as emerging topics such as paleoecology, climate change, ecosystem services, and novel ecosystems on islands. We welcome contributions related to a broad range of topics, organisms, and regions, especially those that have so far attracted little attention. Preference (for oral presentations) will be given to abstracts likely to be of interest to a broad range of conference participants. Contributions that aim at advancing data synthesis across different island archipelagos and/or taxa are particularly welcomed. Because space is limited, studies that focus explicitly on applied management (e.g., methods for eradication of invasive species) may receive lower priority. Likewise, participants may be co-authors on an unlimited number of abstracts, but may be presenters of only one submission.

Abstract format:

  • Title (20 words or less)

  • Body of abstract (250 words or less) explaining the background, timeliness, novelty, and key questions that will be addressed by the presentation. If applicable, please explain in particular how the presentation will contribute to strengthening theory formation in island biology, and data synthesis and collaboration across islands from different world regions.

The deadline abstract submission is 31 January 2014.

The deadline for notification of acceptance is 28 February 2014.

Final acceptance requires that the author register for the conference by 15 April 2014. Now extended to April 25.

Click here to submit an abstract