Course Slides

Slides in PDF are available in the University Laulima Site

Here is the order of teaching of the slides. Chapter numbers refer to the textbook's chapter where the material is covered. Use content of the slides as a guideline to study from the text skipping material not covered.

  1. GG455_Class_16 (General Introduction)

  2. 1. Introduction_Hydrology_Part 1C.pdf (Chapter 2)

  3. 2. Introduction_Hydrology_Part 2C.pdf (Chapter 2)

  4. Properties of aquifers.pdf (Chapter 3)

  5. Principles of ground-water flow.pdf (Chapter 4)

  6. Ground-water flow to wells_Feb_24.pdf (Chapter 5)

  7. 1_PumpTest Analysis.pdf (Chapter 5)

  8. 2_Well Recovery.pdf (Chapter 5)

  9. Unsaturated Flow.pdf (Chapter 6)

  10. Saltwater Intrusion.pdf (Chapter 8)

  11. Water quality and ground-water contamination.pdf (Chapter 10)

  12. Hawaii Hydrogeology.pdf

  13. Hawaii Hydrogeology_Part 2.pdf

  14. SWAP_GG455.pdf

  15. Del Monte Super Fund Site.pdf

  16. modeling_overview.pdf