Organizational Strategies

Mattie: A One-Binder Solution

Mattie uses one binder for morning classes, containing four color-coded folders, one for each class (Science, Math, English, Social Studies). She carries her interactive notebook for English separately.

For her afternoon classes, Mattie uses a 1” binder containing a notebook and folder for Health class. Mattie recommends a larger notebook for health because there are a lot of notes. For French, Mattie carries a pocket folder for notes and handouts.

Mattie recommends plastic pocket folders because paper folders rip really easily.

Logan & Leo: Two-Binder Strategies

Logan uses two 1.5” binders, one for English and History, one for Math, Science, and Spanish. These binders contain folders for each class and paper for notes (the math/science has graph paper as well as lined paper). Logan keeps his English interactive notebook in locker separately and brings it to class when he needs it, as well as a separate notebook for Health class.

Logan likes to keep his folders in his binders, hooked into the rings, but, like Mattie, finds the paper ones don’t hold up well.

Leo has two 2.5” binders, one for one for English and History, one for Math and Science. They fit fine in his backpack when stacked opposite each other as shown in the picture. Leo's binders contain two color-coded folders for each class and paper for notes (the math/science binder has both graph paper and lined paper).

For Health and Spanish, Leo uses separate folders and one-subject notebooks.

Leo keeps presharpened pencils in a container in locker and restocks as needed.

Leo also recommends keeping a copy of the schedule on or in binder for easy reference, especially at the beginning of the year, and uses the front pocket of his binder for important handouts, like something that needs to get signed or a reminder about an event.