16-17 version

Dear Parent/Guardian,

It is time to complete your child(ren)'s Annual Permission and Medical Forms. It is important that we have all of your correct contact, medical and permission information each year, so we ask that you confirm and update your child(ren)'s information annually.

You access these forms via the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Once logged into PowerSchool, you will complete the forms by clicking InfoSnap (this saves you from having to log in to more than once to access your child(ren)'s information and account(s)).

If you completed these forms for ANY of your children ONLINE last year, you already have a a PowerSchool Account and do not need to create one. Your PowerSchool login is for ALL of your children, not per child.

  1. Login into https://ps.dresden.us

  2. If you do not see one of your children's names on the account, you can add them at this time by going to: "Account Preferences" -> "Students" tab -> "Add"

  3. Once all of your children have been added, click on the "InfoSnap" button on the left for each child. Update and/or enter information as needed for each child.

If you are unable to access your account, but believe you have one, please contact helpdesk@hanovernorwichschools.org or call your child(ren)'s school.

If you DID NOT complete these forms ONLINE last year, you need to first create a PowerSchool Portal Account.

  1. Go to https://ps.dresden.us

  2. Click on the "Create Account" tab

  3. Click on the "Create Account" button

  4. Fill in your information at the top of the screen, including your desired username and password

  5. Fill in the full name of your student along with their Access ID and Password which you can find below. ***Note: both the Access ID and Password are case sensitive and you cannot copy and paste them, you must type them

  6. Select your relationship to the student (Mother, Father, etc)

  7. Click the "Enter" Button.

  8. Once all of your children have been added, click on the "Infosnap" button on the left for each child.

  9. Update and/or enter information as needed for each child.

If you have have additional children add them to this account by:

  1. Log in into https://ps.dresden.us

  2. "Account Preferences" -> "Students" tab -> "Add"

  3. Once all of your children have been added, click on the "Infosnap" button on the left for each child.

  4. Update and/or enter information as needed for each child.

If you need assistance or have questions please contact helpdesk@hanovernorwichschools.org or call your child(ren)'s school.

Thank you!

-SAU 70

We have the following information on file for <<First Name>> <<Last Name>>:

This student's Access ID is <<Web_ID>>

This student's Access Password is <<Web_Password>>