League Description

First of all, a review of who we are - The New Hampshire Quiz Bowl League has been in operation for over 20 years. We are open to all secondary schools who accept New Hampshire day students. We ask $100 in dues, but no one has ever been denied participation for non payment of dues. The dues are applied towards a championship banner, regional awards, pristine questions and quiz masters for the championship tournament, and seven t-shirts for dues payers. For the last four years we have hosted a round robin tournament between teams from New Hampshire and teams from Vermont - The GHOST (The Great Halloween States Tournament). We have been assisted in meeting our expenses and offer the twin state competition because of generous support for our league from the Byrne Foundation of Hanover.

The state has been divided into five regions and each region hosts a tournament to which ALL schools are invited. Only a school from the host region may win the regional tournament, but other schools are building up victories towards the three at-large berths to the state tournament. The tournaments are held on Saturdays beginning at ten o’clock and usually last until around twelve-thirty. We play round robin, usually with ten, ten minute rounds. All of the questions are recycled toss up questions. We use coaches or other volunteers as quizmasters and make no claims to perfection, but we have been very successful with this format through the years. The League emphasizes the fun of academic competition.

If you have specific questions about our operation, please ask.