Kid-Friendly Search Engines

'Just Google it" isn't always the best advice. Listed below, are alternatives that will give fewer results that are more appropriate to elementary students. Some are search engines while others are subject directories.

Kid Rex: sponsored by Google Safe Search

instaGrok: a visual and interactive search engine that collects educational content and displays it in the form of a cloud of related words. In addition to the visual map, content is displayed in the form of text, images, video and web links. Students can use the slider tool to access usable information by self-selecting the level of difficulty of results displayed.

KidsClick!: a search site "designed for kids by librarians - with kid-friendly results" (Contains some advertisements)

Ivy's Search Engine Resources for Kids: here you will find links to the major search engines for children as well as specialized search engines such as Animal Search, NASA for kids, and How Stuff Works

Google Junior Iimits the search results, selecting sites with a more direct answer