Summer Assignment


Student Workshop

Dear BC Student and Parent:


I am super excited to be working with you this year as you advance from AB AP Calculus to BC AP Calculus.


Taking an AP class is a lot of work and sometimes can be difficult. This year, you will be taking BC Calculus in a virtual environment that follows the teaching and schedule of a live classroom, but one that you participate in through Google classroom by working through lesson videos. The BC Program is NOT a self-paced online class. You experience the same instruction as a live classroom, but your interaction with the teacher is through email, Remind, and Webex and there isn’t peer group work.


To ensure student success in this virtual environment, students are required to attend a BC Calculus Workshop that will be held in the Moon Valley Media Center, Thursday, August 3, 2023 from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.


At this workshop, students will be trained on how they will access lessons and how they will be expected to turn in assignments electronically. We will discuss the different types of study skills needed for this environment. General expectations will be explained and course materials will be distributed for the first unit. Students should bring the graphing calculator they used for AB

Calculus, their cell phone, a pencil and paper, and the BLUE AP Calculus textbook if it was checked out to them at registration. Students, please make sure you can access your student GUHSD Google account. AP Classroom access will also be helpful.


Parents do not need to attend the training but are welcome to stay and watch. I will use the time after 7:00 PM to answer questions and talk with parents.


We will be meeting in the media center at Moon Valley High School. The workshop starts at 5:00 PM and will end at 7:00 PM. I will be available afterward to talk with parents.