Important Documents for Applying to College

These documents MUST be completed by student/parent/guardian in order for Mrs. Hopkins to write a recommendation, release student records to colleges/scholarships, and notify Guidance Office that student has submitted a college application.

NOTE: College Application Processing Form MUST be brought to the Guidance Office IN PERSON as as soon as you have submitted your college application.


    1. Open the document (below)

    2. Click File > Make a Copy. This will copy the document to your Google Drive.

    3. Type the answers to the questions.

    4. Click Share and share it with Mrs. Hopkins (

Student Questionnaire - Your responses will help me to write more meaningful letters of recommendation to colleges and scholarships on your behalf.

Parent Response College Planning Questionnaire - Parents/guardians provide some information about your son/daughter. Responses will help me to write more meaningful letters of recommendation to colleges and scholarships on their behalf.

Narrowing College List - Insert the names of the colleges (in any order) that you continue to consider.

High School Activity Sheet - The information which you provide in this questionnaire may be used by your counselor/teacher in preparing recommendations to be submitted to colleges in support of your application.

College Records Release Form - Please complete and sign this form to consent to the release of your son’s/daughter’s school records to colleges/scholarships, etc.

COLLEGE APPLICATION PROCESSING FORM.pdf - Must be completed for EACH college you are applying to. Must be submitted IN PERSON to the Guidance Office.