Georgia Tech Crew Alumni


What an incredible weekend! The GT Crew Alumni Gala was truly unforgettable, and we are so thankful that so many of you were able to join us. From rowing on the river again to reconnecting with friends, the energy and emotion were overwhelming. We were all reminded of what makes GT Crew so special. When we asked our speakers for one word to describe the team, the responses said it all:

People. Resilience. Friends. Excitement. Determination. Scrappy.

These are the qualities that shaped us on this team - and they still define who we are today. This is why we gathered this weekend and why it's so important to ensure that GT Crew continues to thrive for future generations of rowers. 

And now, we need your help to secure that legacy.

The GTCA endowment currently sits at $62,000, thanks to the efforts of alumni and volunteers. Our goal is to grow that amount to $300,000 by our next gala in 2028, and we believe we can achieve this together.


This weekend was a powerful reminder of how deeply GT Crew has impacted each of us. Now, it’s our chance to give back and ensure the team’s future. Every donation directly helps support the students in ways we always wished for during our time on the water. 

Our goal is simple: We want the GTCA endowment to grow large enough to cover all coaching salaries. 

We believe this will provide true stability for the team and allow the coaches to focus on what they do best: building great rowers and an even stronger program. As the endowment grows, we can continue to ease the financial burden on the students and allow them to focus on excelling, both in and out of the boat. Expect more communication regarding this in the coming months. 

How can YOU help?

If you graduated between 2015-2024, we ask you to consider donating $10/month - just $120 per year.

If you graduated between 2005-2015, we ask you to consider donating $50/month - or $600 per year.

If you graduated before 2005, we ask you to consider donating $100/month - or $1,200 per year.

donate your time

But giving isn’t just about money. You can also donate your time, skills, and energy by joining the GTCA Board or one of our committees. You don’t need to live in Atlanta (most of us don’t!) -  you just need to care about the team. We typically meet once a month, and if this weekend inspired you, we’d love for you to get involved! Your level of commitment can be flexible, but every bit helps shape the future of GTCA.


To everyone who joined us this weekend or supported us from afar - thank you. The memories we made and the stories we shared are what make this community so strong. Your presence and support mean everything, to both alumni and the team.

This was the inaugural gala, which means it’s just the beginning. Our plan is to host one every four years, capturing each era of GT Crew and gathering as alumni to celebrate, reconnect, and increase our support. So, plan to join us again in 2028, but don’t worry - you’ll hear from us long before then!

Want to see how the weekend went?

Again, thank you for making this event so amazing and for helping us build something that will last far beyond this one weekend.


The GTCA Board Members:
Shelly Holdren - President
Cassi Niemann - Communications
Alec Kaye - Treasurer
Alyssa McKay - Events