Ladies Ministry (Circle of Friends)

Fall is in the air and with it the Circle of Friends Ladies ministry resumes Monday, September 17 2012. For our first session we will be meeting at Kassie Brown's house (contact Kassie or use the Carpool link below for directions or address).

Ladies who have the opportunity and are interested in studying the Bible will be meeting the first and third Monday each month in a different ladies home. We will begin at 10:00 am, and plan to seriously study the Scriptures and draw closer to one another as we meet regularly. Several women with automobiles will be available for anyone needing transportation. If you need a ride, contact Susan, Grechen, Dorthea, or Linda, or send an email to Carpool.

Our first Circle of Friend's meeting was this week. We met at Kassie's house, had a thought provoking study presented by Dorothea and discussed our future studies. We decided to study primarily from the workbook Major Truths from the Minor Prophets: Power, Freedom, and Hope for Women.

Shirley will present our first lesson and future classes will be taught by rotation of willing class members. Read Hosea and plan to join us Oct. 1!

I will be placing an order for the workbooks, for those wishing to have it. The book is $7.00 and I'll order on Sept. 23. The book provides many observations, applications and questions to be answered related to the minor prophet book we will study that week. The link above will allow you to see the text for yourself.


Susan L.

Ladies Ministry (Circle of Friends) — List page from Classic Sites