
about us

Club Description

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. During the month of November, participants write a 50,000 word novel in just thirty days! It requires a lot of dedication and quite a few early mornings or late nights but how many people can say they wrote a book in high school? Not many!

We will start meeting in the fall to brainstorm, plot, build worlds and characters, and, eventually, outline. We want to be as ready to write come November 1st! There is a booklet we will work through to start working on these story elements.

Meetings in November are daily so you will have time to write built into your day. You are welcome to stay for one or both of the writing blocks. The goal isn’t to get it right the first time; the goal is to get it on paper.

Once November passes, we will take a break for December. Let your words settle on the page. Let the story settle in your mind. In January, we will start working towards editing your books. Depending on how much progress is made, there might be a launch party in the late spring!


Ms. Webb (Media Center)

Meeting Dates and Times

Daily during the month of November from either 7-8:15 am and/or 3:45-5:30 pm

We will meet in the fall to start plotting, outlining and developing characters

Meetings in the spring will be determined by how many writers complete their books.

Remind Code

Text @nanorhs to 81010

Major Events and Projects

The whole month of November is a major project! You’re writing a book!