About Me

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Welcome to Mr Gillette's 8th Grade Social Studies website!

Please use the tabs at the top of the site for more class information, class notes, assignments, and announcements.

About Me: My name is William Gillette. I am an 8th Grade Social Studies teacher. I am a graduate of both USC and Clemson University. My undergraduate work was a degree in History and a degree in Middle Level Education. My Masters Degree is from Clemson and is in Administration and Supervision. I am certified as a K-12 PE teacher, 6-12 History teacher, and 6-8 ELA teacher. I have taught for eight years and live around the Traveler's Rest area. I grew up in Traveler's Rest and went to Pickens High School. I have a wife, Erica and a child, Kate as well as a cat named "Kitty" and a German Shepard named "Ryan." In my spare time we spend it together as a family hiking, hunting, fishing, going to the lake, going to USC games and traveling around the country.