Rainey's Supply List

Supply List for Mrs. Rainey’s Class

First Grade

Please bring the following to school:

❏ backpack (non- rolling)

❏ small headphones (ear buds do not fit little ears!)

❏ 1 three-ringed binder

❏ pencil box- cigar box size

❏ 3 boxes of crayons (no more than 24 count)

❏ 1 large pack of pencils (basic yellow)

❏ 1 pack of glue sticks

❏ scissors (blunt not pointed)

❏ 1 pack of large dry erase markers

❏ 2 boxes of tissues (no personal size)

❏ 1 pack of white copy paper

❏ 1 box of ziploc bags (snack, sandwich or gallon size)

❏ 2 wide ruled marble composition notebook

(No spiral notebooks needed)

*My Classroom Wish list*

★ color cardstock

★ color copy paper

★ clear standard sheet protectors


If possible, please write your child’s name or initials on items.

Students will store their extra items for the school

year in their buckets at the cubbies.

I am looking forward to a great year! ~Mrs. Rainey