
Four Year-Old Kindergarten Syllabus

Mrs. DeGeer & Mrs. Belliard

Dunbar CDC



4K Program Goal

The overall goal of 4K is to improve children’s understanding of the world and to strengthen their desire to continue learning.  Appropriate, intellectually challenging learning opportunities are planned to help students meet state and district learner standards in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, physical development, the arts, and personal/social development.


DeGeer/Belliard Daily Schedule 2023-2024


DeGeer/Belliard Class Schedule

DeGeer/Belliard Class Schedule

7:45-8:00 Arrival/sign-in

8:00-8:15 Community meeting

8:15-9:45 Worktime (plan/do/clean-up/recall)

9:45-10:00 Shared reading

10:00-10:30 Outside time

10:30-11:10 Small group 1 (math/literacy)

11:10-11:45 Lunch time

11:45-12:05 Interactive reading/calendar/music

12:05-12:35 Small group 2 (math/literacy)

12:35-12:45 Phonics

12:45-1:00 Snack time

1:00-1:15 Interactive writing

1:15-1:45 Quiet time

1:45 Bus dismissal

1:45-2:15 Reunion

 Grade Level Standards Being Taught

State standards are attached.


Units of Instruction Aligned with Standards (subject to change & topics may be added )

Units are planned in six week segments through the school year.

Unit 1: My school and me (weeks 1-6)

Unit 2: Construction (weeks 7-12)

Unit 3: Families (weeks 13-18)

Unit 4: My community (weeks 19-24)

Unit 5: Transportation (weeks 25-30)

Unit 6: Growing and changing (weeks 30-36)


Early Childhood Instructional Materials and Resources

Early childhood programs actively involve children in learning experiences consistent with their development and help children acquire a strong foundation for future learning.  A basic list of 4K materials is attached.  Additional materials are rotated into the classroom as appropriate for specific themes and/or projects.


Assessment/Evaluation of Student Progress

The Work Sampling System is an instructional performance assessment recommended by the State Department of Education for 4K programs in South Carolina.  The purpose is to document and assess children’s skills, knowledge and accomplishments across a wide variety of curriculum areas on multiple occasions in order to enhance teaching and learning.


Evidence for assessment will include the following sources:

v Teacher checklists

v Work samples and other portfolio entries

v Photographs

v Constructions and artifacts

v My IGDIS evaluation results



Home/School Connections

Parents will be provided with suggestions for in-home support correlating to learner standards and school activities on a regular basis.  Family members are invited to be part of the community of learners.  Parents are encouraged to

share special skills and talents relating to jobs or hobbies, serve as classroom volunteers, assist with field trips and special activities, collect materials for classrooms, attend parent education workshops, and network with other parents and community members.

Parent/teacher conferences are held at least 2 times each school year to discuss student progress.  


At least 2 parent meetings are held during the school year.  These meetings provide the opportunity for parents to learn ways to foster their child’s learning at home.  Meeting dates and times will be provided to families well in advance to each meeting date.  More meetings may be added during the school year.  


Attendance and Tardy Policies

Every learning day is important.  Regular prompt attendance helps young children build a lifetime of good school habits.  Families will be contacted when attendance or late arrival impedes student learning.

School day hours:  7:45 am-2:15 pm.


Building Responsible and Respectful Behavior

Our goals are to build self-discipline, respect for others, and develop individual responsibility.  Clear and consistent expectations and routines provide a framework for responsible student behavior.  Three to five simple classroom rules are established on the first day of school.  Individual and small group problem solving will be used as the primary method of resolving conflicts.


Our class rules:

 Listening ears.

 Looking eyes.

Quiet voices.

 Walking feet.

Helping hands.



Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines

 Sending lunch money and other fees to school:  all money should be sent to school in an envelope with your child’s name and teacher’s name on the front.  All meals are free for the 2023-2024 school year.

 Changes in address/phone number:  notify your child’s teacher IMMEDIATELY of any change in address and/or phone number in case of an emergency

 Bringing toys to school:  do NOT allow your child to bring toys to school unless instructed by the teacher

Children’s use of the bathroom:  children are allowed to use the bathroom freely throughout the school day

 Lost/Found:  if your child is missing an item, let the teacher know right away and we will try to locate the item

Dismissal:  school is dismissed at 2:15.  There are NO early dismissals after 1:30 p.m.


Communication with Parents

The 4K program supports the development of children as lifelong learners through partnerships with each child’s home and family.  Parents will be contacted throughout the school year and are encouraged to call the school or send a note if a concern arises. Classroom phone number:  864-355-2279.  Mrs. DeGeer’s e-mail address: .  Each family will receive:

1. Student work samples

2. Newsletters describing class and school activities

3. Notification of scheduled parent/teacher conferences; parent meetings; field trips if we are able to take them.  

4. Invitations to special class and school events


Student progress will be reported to parents through conferences and report cards.