English I Syllabus


Greer Middle School 2023-24

Erich Sturgill

Phone: (864) 355-5876

Email: esturgil@greenville.k12.sc.us

Website: https://sites.google.com/a/greenvilleschools.us/mr-sturgill-s-ela-website/products-services

Course Description

Students completing my English 8 classes will be able to use personal experience, the printed word and information gained from observations as a basis for constructing meaning.  Through the accomplishment of this goal each student will also attain a level of mastery in each of the standards mandated by the state of South Carolina.  You can find a copy of these standards on the SC Department of Education website.  We will use fiction (novel, short story, poetry, drama), and informational texts as the basis for our reading instruction. Writing will include personal narratives, informational writing, literary analysis, argument and text-dependent analysis. Students will also participate in individual and group research projects and debates. Honors will have a focus on collaboration in order to better develop leadership skills while tackling the rigor and added reading load of high school texts

Learning Objectives for the Course:

Students will be able to..

*explain how literary elements and techniques contribute to the theme of a poem or song

*explain how tone or mood affect the theme of a poem or song

*trace the development of a character in a short story or novel

*students will be able to explain the historical context of a novel and explain its effect on plot, characters, and theme

*explain how writer’s craft contributes to tone and theme of a short story or novel

*support a literary analysis with textual evidence

*students will be able to read, interpret and summarize complex literary texts and translations

*students will be able to explain how a writer relates to the audience of the time

*draw from various perspectives and sources of information to support a claim

*Identify relevant evidence and address counter-arguments to support a claim

*gather and present information to inform

*correctly use and cite sources

*write a narrative using literary and plot elements to communicate meaning

*students will use art, collaboration, drama, and presentation to explore various themes and events which contribute to the meaning of literary texts

Course Outline/Pacing/Scope and Sequence: 

First Quarter

This I Believe narrative writing


 To Kill a Mockingbird (Honors)

 This novel follows the depression-era lives of young Scout and Jem finch as they grow amidst  the efforts of their father to free Tom Robinson from the snares of racism. 


Second Quarter

Complete To Kill a Mockingbird

Mythology and The Odyssey 

This epic poem portrays the values of ancient Greek culture as it follows the return home of the flawed hero Odysseus from the Trojan War. 


Third Quarter

Argument #1 (student choice/ PSA)

Argument Part 2 (school improvement)

Romeo and Juliet 

Shakespeare’s best-known tragedy follows the bad decisions of two teenagers who are forced into bad decisions by a lack of parenting. 


Fourth Quarter

Argument and the TDA

Research with Heroes and Leaders

Lord of the Flies 

A plane full of British school boys succumbs to human nature after a  nuclear attack crashes them on an uncharted island. 

Materials needed:

Classroom Expectations:

Grading Policy/Practices:

Late Work Procedures:

In order to receive full credit for make-up work, all work must be submitted within five days, immediately following the absence. In cases of prolonged illness beyond five days, special consideration will be given. It is the responsibility of the students, not the teachers, to arrange for make-up work.  Work assigned before the absence or field trip will be due the day the student returns.  Tests assigned before the absence will be taken on the scheduled test date or date arranged with the teacher.  If a student misses a test or quiz while absent, on the first day back, arrangements should be made with the teacher to make up the assessment within five days.  In general, work is to be made up before or after school in order not to miss more class time. Students are encouraged to check teacher websites, Google Classroom, and Google Calendars for assignments during any absence.

Greer Middle Redo/Retake Policy:

Greer Middle School is implementing a Redo/Retake Plan as a strategy to help ensure the mastery of content for our students and encourage our students to have a growth mindset regarding their academic work. Mastery is considered 80 percent or higher. Our guidelines for a redo/retake plan have been designed with input from teachers, administrators, parents, and students to ensure consistent implementation school-wide. 

When are students allowed to redo/retake?  

Only assignments that are categorized as major grades in the gradebook are available for redo/retake. 

Redo/Retake Information 

- The student, parent, and teacher must sign Redo/Retake Request Form 

- The student must submit the Redo/Retake Request Form within three (3) school days of the grades being posted in Backpack. 

- The higher of the two grades will be recorded in the Gradebook. 

- Redo/Retake assessments will cover the same standards, but the format and questions will be determined by the teacher. Alternative assignments may be required at the teacher’s discretion. 

Redo/Retake Steps 

- The student must complete and submit the Redo/Retake Request Form (found under Student tab on Greer Middle Website) within three (3) school days of the grades being posted in Backpack. 

- Students must complete the Relearning Tasks assigned by their teacher on the Redo/Retake Request Form by the deadline given by the teacher.

- If a student will be retaking a test, they must take it at the pre-arranged date/time; if a student will be redoing an assignment that is not a test, they must turn it in by the redo deadline.

 - If students miss the deadline and/or pre-arranged date/time, the redo/retake will not be allowed. If there are extenuating circumstances, contact the grade-level administrator.

Retake Request Form:
