Parent/Guardian Information

Welcome Parents and Guardians!

This page is designed to provide you with information and tips to help you encourage and assist your student in their learning and academic growth!

Many students find high school challenging, especially following the pandemic. Research shows that the single best predictor of a student’s success is the involvement of their parent(s) or guardian(s). I realize this seems like a daunting task as a parent!

I am encouraging you and your student to use the following suggestions and to commit to a system of active communication throughout the year.

Suggestions to help parents and guardians become more involved and remain informed about class and student progress:

1. Stay abreast of what we are doing in class by joining Google Classroom for your student's course. You can email me for the code needed to join. Your student can show you how to join if you need assistance.

2. Ask your student to “teach” you what they learned in class today. You will both benefit immeasurably from this exercise!!!!

3. If your student tells you they learned “nothing” today, use the unit agendas I put in their home directories to ask specific questions – teenagers find these harder to avoid!!!

4. Be proactive. Check their unit agendas, ask to see their homework assignments, look over their daily journals, discuss the concepts being covered in class. If you have joined Google Classroom, you will have access to this information. They are learning a lot of exciting information this year, it shouldn't take much encouragement to get them talking.

5. Help them study.

6. Contact me you have any concerns! Do NOT wait until an issue becomes a problem. Feel free to email or phone me, see the link below or my Home page for contact information.

Thank you for your efforts to make this school year a success!