HS Virtual PE

HS students may take virtual PE I through two state approved virtual programs, Greenville County Virtual School Program (GCVSP) or SCVirtual.

Students that might find the virtual PE option beneficial are those that wish to:

  • complete their HS Diploma in under four years

  • complete requirements early so as to have room in their brick/mortar schedule for AP and Dual Credit college courses

  • take multiple classes in specialized areas such as Band, Chorus and Yearbook

  • have room in their schedule to attend the Fine Arts Center or a Career Center for a half day.

Greenville County Virtual School Program (GCVSP) and SCVirtual are adjunct, supplemental programs in which students can take one or two courses per term to supplement their current schedule. Students who are interested in enrolling in a GCVSP or SCVirtual class should begin by talking to their School Counselor to determine if it is a good fit.

Students that might find the virtual PE option a benefit are those that wish to:

  • complete the HS Diploma in under four years

  • complete requirements early so as to have room in their brick/mortar schedule for AP and Dual Credit college courses

  • take multiple classes in specialized areas such as Band, Chorus and Yearbook

  • have room in their schedule to attend the Fine Arts Center or a Career Center for a half day.

PE I through GCVSP - This course satisfies the one unit diploma requirement for PE credit and can be taken by rising 9th graders during the summer between 8th and 9th grade or by high school students. The course includes the state required Comprehensivel Health and Responsibility unit (CHE Act 1988).

PE I through SCVirtual - This course satisfies the Physical Education graduation requirement for SC but does NOT serve as health instruction to satisfy the Comprehensive Health Education Act.

If a GCS students chooses to take the PE I course through SCVirtual the parents should be made aware that the SCVirtual course does not include the sexual health and responsibility unit. In order for the student to satisfy the state required sexual health and responsbility unit (CHE Act 1988), the student may choose to:

1) take it during the 2 weeks that it is offered at the student’s school (which would mean missing another class for 2 weeks)

2) they may enroll in the SCVirtual .5 personal health course which includes the unit

3) complete the exemption form if they do not want their child to take the unit.

Parents may preview the general outline of GCS's sexual health and responsbility unit by clicking on the button below.