High School Physical Education

Students at the high school level must earn one credit of Physical Education 1 or JROTC as part of South Carolina's graduation requirement. Other elective physical education courses are available at the high school level for students to enroll in after the prerequisite of Physical Education 1 has been met.

The Fitness For Life textbook and OPENPhysEd web-based platform are used in our high school physical education programs. Both curriculums have proven to increase student participation, activity and enjoyment of physical education class, while helping teachers implement a standards-based approach to instruction.

Textbook: Fitness For Life 7th Edition

Publisher: Human Kinetics

2021 Academic Standards for Physical Education

Students’ progress toward proficiency at different rates and time, and at similar ages can demonstrate varying proficiency levels. The South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Physical Education 2021 outlines the standard and indicator proficiency progression rather than the specific grade level. Teachers have the opportunity to identify and differentiate learning for all learners based on the students’ proficiency range. This document describes the learning goals a learner should demonstrate at three levels of proficiency. All performance indicators in the standards document begin with “I can…” so that learners are at the center of all physical education programs, can self-assess, and can use evidence to demonstrate progress in proficiency. The three proficiency levels used are novice, intermediate, and advanced.

Standard 1 The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

The intent of this standard is the development of the motor skills needed to enjoy participation in a variety of physical activities. Fundamental motor skills and movement concepts provide a foundation for continued motor skill acquisition. This movement foundation gives students the capacity for successful and advanced levels of performance that furthers the likelihood of daily participation in physical activity. As high school students develop competence and confidence, activities are selected for regular participation within which more advanced skills are mastered. While moving into adulthood, students acquire the skills to enjoy a lifetime of physical activity.

Standard 2 The physically literate individual demonstrates knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.

The intent of this standard is for students to gain knowledge related to motor skill-acquisition and performance. This knowledge enhances students’ abilities to apply concepts from disciplines such as motor learning and development, biomechanics and exercise physiology, and sport psychology and sociology. For example, this includes increasing force production through the summation of forces, understanding the principle of specificity of training, and knowing the effects of anxiety on performance. Knowledge of these concepts and principles, and how to apply them, enhances the likelihood of independent learning. In the elementary grades, emphasis is placed on establishing a movement vocabulary and applying introductory concepts. In high school, students analyze motor skill performance and apply previously learned information to the acquisition of new motor skills. Students can also design and implement a personal fitness plan based on collected health-related fitness data.

Standard 3 The physically literate individual achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

The intent of this standard is for students to develop the ability to sustain moderate to vigorous activity levels through regular participation in meaningful physical activity. In the elementary grades, the emphasis is on an awareness of fitness components and having fun while participating in health-enhancing activities that promote physical fitness. High school students achieve and maintain health-related fitness standards as a result of implementing long–term fitness plans based on frequency, intensity, time and type (FITT) training principles.

Standard 4 The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

The intent of this standard is the achievement of self-regulated behaviors that promote personal and group success in a physically active environment. These include safe practices, adherence to rules and procedures, etiquette, cooperation and teamwork, ethical behavior, and positive social interaction. Students develop respect for individual similarities and differences through positive interaction among participants in physical activity settings. High school students demonstrate leadership by initiating responsible behavior that has a positive influence on others. Students begin to become more self-directed and recognize the value of making physical activity a part of their lifestyles.

Standard 5 The physically literate individual demonstrates awareness that physical activity provides the opportunity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

The intent of this standard is the development of an awareness of the benefits that result from being physically active. Physical activity provides opportunities for self-expression and social interaction. Participation in physical activities can be fun, enjoyable, challenging, and health enhancing. These benefits develop self-confidence and promote a positive self-image. Participation at the high school level continues to provide personal growth, challenge, enjoyment and opportunities for social interaction. Benefits gained from participation in physical activities promote the pursuit of life-long activities that meet an individual’s needs.

The South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards for Physical Education

Standards articulated horizontally to show how the indicators progress from elementary to secondary.