About Me

-Sweet Tea

-Playing Tennis, Softball, Volleyball

-Coaching Softball and Volleyball


-Acting on Stage

-Mexican Food

-Amazon Shopping

-Target Shopping



-walking my sweet dog, Bailey

-the color purple

-Tropical Smoothie Cafe

Hello, I am Mrs. Jeffcoat. This is my 11th year of teaching. I taught middle school for 4.5 years and then stepped away from the classroom for a little while to be a youth pastor/counselor. I entered back into the classroom in 2016 and taught 5th Grade at Robert E. Cashion for a few years. I am currently beginning my fourth year at Rudolph Gordon teaching 6th grade Science, coaching volleyball, and being the Athletic Director.

I love watching and playing all kinds of sports! Carolina Panthers, Clemson Tigers, and Atlanta Braves are my favorite teams. 

My  husband, Jonathan, coaches football at Southside Christian School. He is the Offensive Coordinator. He also coaches the 15U Palmetto Patriots Baseball Team. We have a six year old beagle named Bailey. WE HAVE 5 NEPHEWS and 4 NIECES. 

 We love spending time with family. Most of our family live here in Greenville County. WE HAVE OTHER FAMILY IN CLINTON, SC, and FLORIDA.

I love to travel. The first picture of me was taken in Havana, Cuba. Havana is the capital of Cuba. I have been there twice on mission trips. I also love traveling to Mexico and Honduras on mission trips!