About Our Educators

Lisa Normand joined Parents as Teachers in southeast Kansas in 2001. She received her degree in Elementary Education - Early Childhood from Missouri Southern State College (Univ). Lisa lives in Pittsburg with her husband and they have four sons.

Dacia White began as a Parent Educator in January 2000. She currently serves families in USD 247 Southeast, USD 249 Frontenac and USD 250 Pittsburg. She received her Bachelor's of Science degree in Social Work at Pittsburg State University. Dacia and her family live in Pittsburg.

Sponsored by USD 249 Frontenac School District in conjunction with Greenbush - The Southeast Kansas Education Service Center

Parents as Teachers

Greenbush - The Southeast Kansas Education Service Center

947 W 47 Highway

Girard, KS 66743

Phone: 1-800-554-3412