Class Celebrations & Volunteers

   We will have two classroom parties, a Harvest Party in October and a Valentine Party in February.  This is a fantastic opportunity for you to come to the classroom for a couple hours of fun!  I will need 1-2 parents to be the planners/coordinators and 2-3 additional to help with activities!  If you missed the sign-up at Open House and you’re interested, let me know.

    There will be other ways to be involved in our classroom as well.  Usually this is during small group time, while I am working with reading or math groups and I have pre-planned activities for you to facilitate with a small group or individual children.  Typically, I will invite parent volunteers into the classroom to work with students after we have been in school for a little while, usually around the end of October, early November.

    Another possibility would be some “secretarial” help.  I am always on the look out for anyone who is willing to help with assembling paper books, cutting out laminated objects, assembling book order sheets, etc.