Eastern Shore District High

Ms. Stevens

O2 & Registrar

2021-2022 ESDH Course schedule by Block *please note a few of the classes may be full. If you request a schedule change and the class is full please ask to be placed on the waitlist.

Course offering through Nova Scotia Virtual School can be found at this link. If you would like to take a virtual course through NSVS, please see Ms. Stevens

Scholarship Recipient Form - You are welcome to fill out the form information now but the cheques will not be prepared until September 2021. The link for the form is - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRrEKgp3sYdm3lg_fi8uWsbcT8TvtQo1UyXfOefcIz02HJdg/viewform?usp=sf_link