
As the Messiah Jesus came among us as one who serves, so He sends us into the world to serve others in God's name to the glory of God.

See how we are serving others locally and abroad.

            Glen Leven Presbyterian Church Day School

Our most vibrant mission is our Day School serving pre-kindergarten age children.  The mission of Glen Leven Day School is to nurture and care for children of Glen Leven Presbyterian Church and our community in the knowledge that God loves them and that they are special to God.

            Cottage Cove

We help children and families in after-school support and skill education classes through our financial support and volunteer involvement with Cottage Cove. We offer faithful support to the Cottage Cove Christmas Store, called "Christmas with Dignity," giving struggling parents the opportunity to provide gifts to their children.

            Hope Clinic for Women

                        We have a major impact on un-wed mothers and single parent families through

our active support of Hope Clinic for Women. Members from our congregation

volunteer as support for this ministry.

            Martha O’Bryan Center

We provide significant support to the Martha O’Bryan Center helping to empower families living in east Nashville and the surrounding community. We have members who each week volunteer their time to deliver Meals on Wheels through this ministry.

            Monroe Harding

We have a strong and active relationship with Monroe Harding, a mission that works with children and youth in state custody or foster care, helping them find safety, support, and caring people.

            Nashville Rescue Mission

We reach out to those who are homeless and less fortunate through our long-standing support of Nashville Rescue Mission. Through our involvement we have helped to share the gospel, provide shelter, warm meals, canned goods, and clothing to those who are in need.

            Project Joy

We have established a new relationship with Project JOY (Joyous Offerings of Youth), a youth founded mission to reach out to those in need in Harlan County, Kentucky.  We have provided over 1,000 Bibles to be distributed along with food, clothing, learning bags, and other essentials.

            Second Harvest Food Bank

We have a hands-on involvement with Second Harvest Food Bank, collecting annually over 1,500 pounds of non-perishable foods in order to help feed hungry people and work to solve hunger issues in our community.