From the Principal's Desk

19 July

Hello everyone, what a wet end to the term break we're having!  

Nevermind, school OPENS on Monday!

We are truly excited to be getting back into learning with your children - I do hope that you have enjoyed reading each of those short Aesop’s Fables with your child. As parents and guardians ‘You Are Part Of The Solution”, and this is the start of flipped learning here at GIS! We’re expecting your child to come to school with some knowledge of the vocabulary and characters used in the stories, and the teachers will build on that.

Yes, it is all about being ready for school - so do take the time this weekend to ensure that your child is “school ready’ and on time on Monday morning.

Term 3 is always a very busy term - there are movies to make, trips to go on, preparation for sports camp - but FIRST UP is our Meet The Teacher Goal Setting evening on Wednesday 24 July from 3:30pm to 6:50pm. Unless your child was away during the last week of term 2, they should have brought home their mid-year school report. 

The number of students in the junior school has grown substantially during terms 1 and 2 and some students have needed to move class to our new teacher Mrs Gruar.  If your child is headed to Room 4, then please make an effort to introduce yourself and welcome her to our school family.

Here are the usual reminders

This term we continue our focus on REGULAR attendance

22 July - School starts for Term 3. This is also the start of the class movie-making term and Flipped Learning

22 July - The School Dental nurses are onsite this week

24 July - Meet the teacher and a Drop-In Cafe - all about your child’s recent report 3:30 - 7 pm

2 - 9 August - Truancy Services and GIS attendance drive

2 August - A real VR treat for Rooms 6, 7, 9 and 10 students.

9 August - Introduction to Midsummer Night's Dream   BRUCE MASON CENTRE: Rooms 6, 7, 9 and 10.

Have a great weekend

Be well
