Welcome To Ms. Maloy's Webpage

Thank you so much for stopping by my page! My name is Ms. Maloy and I teach a variety of fine arts and crafts classes including Advisement, Art I, Art II, Crafts, Ceramics, and Summit Art Appreciation. I hope you are as inspired by the creations of my students as I am!

Learn more About Me.

You can view my teaching schedule Here.

You can stay up to date with my student's projects by following us on Instagram at: @gjhs_arts

Sign up for my Remind Accounts to stay up to date with upcoming due dates and important classroom reminders!

Ms. Maloy's Contact Information

You may contact me through email or phone. Email is the most convenient, as I can check it throughout the day and it is discreet. If you wish to call to discuss your child's progress, please call during my prep period from 1:58pm until 2:40pm.

E-Mail: CMaloy@gjsd.net

Phone: (814) 533-5601 extension: 5119

Important GJSD Links:

The arts can help to comfort and inspire us. Many museums have created virtual tours so they can be visited from the comfort of your home. Here are some of my favorites!