What is Itinerant Support?

Students identified as eligible for learning support services typically look and act very much so like their regular education peers. However they do not always learn in the same way as their regular education peers, even though they are in the regular classrooms.

As the itinerant teacher, I work collaboratively with the regular education teacher to modify the curriculum to meet learning support children's individual needs. This can include modifying assignments, tests and classroom activities. I also can work 1 on 1 with children in the classroom to help them further break down the concept that they are learning in order to connect it to prior learning that they have mastered.

It is my job to help the regular teachers implement the Specially Designed Instruction for students outlined in their IEPs. Further I am also responsible for collecting data to be used in progress monitoring of the students IEP goals. This data is then compiled to produce quarterly reports to the parents. I am also assigned a roster of students for whom I am responsible for writing their IEPs. As part of my IEP manager role, I will contact students who are failing in order to determine what is impeding their progress.

Finally, as part of the IEP process for students 14 years of age and older, I meet with them to develop a transition plan. When appropriate, I get outside agencies involved in the IEP Transition Planning process in order to help students plan for their lives after high school.