2nd Grade Competencies

Students in 2nd grade across PA have the following competencies they are working towards mastering in ELA throughout the year.

Recognize and use mode specific characteristics of writing. (i.e. narrative, informational, and persuasive)

Write detailed narrative pieces (e.g. stories and poems) and informational pieces (e.g. descriptions, letters, reports, instructions).

Demonstrates fluent and accurate formation (e.g. penmanship) of letters and writing.

Identify a specific audience and write about one topic (focus)

Frame ideas for writing and identify appropriate topic-specific content that is supported by details. (content)

Write a series of sentences that relate to the topic

Organize and sustain writing in a logical order, including a beginning, middle and end, with appropriate transitions within sentences. (organization)

Write, developing an awareness of style, using a variety of sentence

structures and descriptive word choices. (e.g. adjectives, precise nouns, verbs) (style)

Use grade appropriate conventions of written language when writing and editing (i.e. correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar and sentence formation) (conventions)

Organize and sustain writing in a logical order including a beginning, middle, and end, with appropriate transitions within sentences. (organization)