Fifth Grade Questions and Answers

What does it look like this year for my child to stay organized?

Students use an accordion or expandable folder. They will have a separate section for Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, and Science. Much of the work they do in language arts class, however, will be in their composition notebooks. They will have a composition notebook to use for reading response and one for writing. For math class they will have a composition notebook that they will use for note taking. This is an extremely helpful tool for them to take home and help with homework! Students also have a Thursday folder which they will take home on Thursdays with lots of information from the school and classroom. Students use planners to write down homework assignments. When in doubt, the homework is posted on the portal!

Organization is SO important in fifth-grade! Fifth-grade students should be responsible for their own assignments and completion of work. I encourage parents to challenge their fifth grader at the start of the year to stay organized! If we can establish good habits now, we will have a more successful year and students will be ready for a smooth transition to middle school!

What is the homework like in 5th grade?

Homework consists of anything your child does not complete in class or during ICE time. They typically have a reading assignment and a few pages of math each night. If a fifth-grade student is using his or her time wisely he or she should not have much homework coming home. In L.A. students will be required to read an additional 120 minutes a week outside of school. The minutes are due each Friday and should be logged on the Reading Rewards website (see link below) and validated by parents. Reading consistently is HUGE for your child's growth in reading so thank you for your support on this!

All homework assignments are updated on the homework portal. This is literally what I bring up on the Smart Board for students to write in their planners so you will see it in real time. At the end of each day, we fill it out together. If your child's planner is coming home blank, you can always check on the portal to know what is due.

Reading Rewards Website link: